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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. I wouldn't give this fucking buck-toothed, ginger, squirrel-looking midget cunt the time of day, let alone 60 fucking grand.
  2. Cuntybaws

    Grayson Perry

    ​There's never a squadron of Luftwaffe bombers around when you need them.
  3. Cuntybaws

    Amir Khan

    Lay off the poor cunt, he supports Bolton Wanderers, he's been punished enough.
  4. There's nothing sexier than a girl in a rugby league top. Except for everything.
  5. I hate manure. And fat cunts.
  6. Cuntybaws

    Guy Martin

    ​They've been slaughtering prostitutes en masse too, copying the trendy Whitechapel set.
  7. Wasn't Janner a member in good standing of the long-lost Shyster Gallery?
  8. Cuntybaws

    Guy Martin

    ​And an IQ to match. Here's a shot from his 170mph off during the 2010 TT - he's in there. somewhere...
  9. People say I'm crazy, I got diamonds on the soles of my shoes.
  10. Guy Martin's got an electric bike. Coincidence?
  11. Cuntybaws

    Guy Martin

    Those godawful sideburns make him look a bit like Wolverine. Lacking access to adamantium, I'd cheerfully remove Martin's skeleton and fill up the holes with molten lead instead and wait to see if he developed any mutant powers as a result. (Is "Being a cunt" a power?)
  12. Cuntybaws

    Ewan McGregor

    I cut the ginger cunt a lot of slack for his contribution to Trainspotting, but he used that all up a while back with Star Wars 97, or whatever fucking number they're up to now.
  13. ​It's paid for plenty of palaces and gold-plated Popemobiles, though. Never underestimate the stupidity of your average Catholic.
  14. Yates Wine Lodges aren't what they used to be. Just lucky you stayed in the more upmarket end of town!
  15. ​Er, imagination, yes, that's it... imagination. He's a fucking shit James Bond anyway!
  16. ​That's the motoring equivalent of blowing some bloke in a Turkish bath house to get back at your wife for ogling Daniel Craig in Speedos. You're really starting to worry me, Ding!
  17. Cuntybaws

    Kevin Pietersen

    ​See also "Roy Keane, 2002 World Cup".
  18. ​Not all comedy personas are created equal.
  19. ​She's 22 now, and selling her story to any cunt with a chequebook, so I think it's safe.
  20. Fuck all to do with elections or politics. West Lothian is home to "Britain's youngest mum" Tressa Middleton, who was raped by her brother and pregnant at 11. And the question is, "Has she got a little sister?" http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/raped-brother-pregnant-11-scot-5696668
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