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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. I'd have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling flids!
  2. I don't know. Statistically speaking it is highly likely that the new cunt will indeed be a weapons grade bellend, but this particular comment seemed OK.
  3. Perhaps it was trying to get to Kenilworth?
  4. Can you clarify exactly what you mean by a "happy ending"?
  5. Cuntybaws

    Mo Farah

    He's not too "stressed" to race in Monaco in July. It must pay more than the one he blew off in Birmingham this month, the cunt. Your lottery contributions at work.
  6. Now, now, whatever the provocation there's no need for sloppiness. You need a capital "C" there for fuck's sake! Well done with the full stop, though.
  7. You'd hardly need to be Edward Snowden to expose the most obvious ID since Starcross Stan, but thanks anyway. Darkseid registered on the "old" guest site on 30/03/2014 when the "main" site was separate. There was no intention to deceive; I deliberately used the same email address, and cleared it first with Mrs Roops before posting. Spot knew this as well, because the duplicate email was an issue when I had to register my "real" ID after the old site got ripped a new one last summer and the two were combined. As I recall he actually got the previous Admin to sort it out in the end, A few of the punters were well aware too. Move along folks, nothing to see.
  8. Yeah, you sexist, misogynist pigs! Call them cunts instead.
  9. I'd be surprised if it's "sudden". Every single comment I've ever posted from home (laptop or mobile) has been made from a Tor browser. The only time I don't use it is if I'm abroad anyway. No matter where our chum Manila is actually based, I'll eat Paddy Ashdown's hat if it's not a pisstake.
  10. This cunt's no more from the Philippines (or whatever other third world shithole their posts are routed through) than I am. It's the most piss-poor trolling attempt I've seen this year, and there's been some stiff competition. This isn't the first such quote either, in case you missed the distaff equivalent on the Michelle Obama thread.
  11. So... once you go black, you CAN go back!
  12. Cuntybaws

    Michelle Obama

    I saw this on the news at lunchtime, but the sound was off. In all seriousness I thought she was in Nigeria and they'd found "the girls".
  13. ​Now, who lives in a house like this?
  14. I miss the tall tales of BrandNewCombineHarvester. Actually, that's a total fucking lie - although he could always be counted on for an amusing anecdote about suicide by shotgun, or gassing badgers.
  15. Any other day there would have been a clip art montage and 3 Jib Jabs here by now.
  16. ​It doesn't really matter whether anyone watches it - the BBC have already decided to spunk away sizeable wads of licence payers cash on it as part of some agenda to promote women's sports whether they're any good or not, not least because the chinless cunts can't compete for decent football, golf, cricket or motor racing any more. Why can't they just admit it's shit, and put on some Tom & Jerry cartoons instead? On a related note, why do the fucking managers have to run down the bench and high-five every single one of the squad every single fucking time a goal is scored? It's like feeding time at the sea lion enclosure. (Insert your own "smells like fish" joke here.)
  17. ​"Real Customers", like Wendy here! The ads for these Stanton Fisher cunts are currently running 24x7. They obviously think people are pretty fucking stupid, and on the current evidence I'm very much afraid they're right.
  18. ​Perhaps it was wrong of me to have that wank at the summit of Mount Kinabalu, but who knew that the mountain gods would be that vengeful?
  19. ​Nostradamus, eat your fucking heart out!
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