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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Maybe he's Cthulhu? That would explain a lot. May his noodly appendage encircle your throat
  2. I thought Mrs Baws was taking even longer to reach orgasm than usual on Sunday, but I'd forgotten that the clocks had gone forward.
  3. They can make them feel at home by finishing with the 1812 Overture.
  4. I like Duck à l'Orange. Geddit?
  5. Gorillaz recorded some of their third album in Damascus with the SNO in 2009. I don't know if that makes it better or worse, but at least Albarn's consistent.
  6. 106 hours without sleep now, Bubbles? Only another 3 days to go to break Rothers' Corner record!
  7. Fucking hell, I hope none of you cynical cunts will give poor old Muntypaws a hard time when he logs on later.
  8. Everything's relative, and Good Morning Britain - while obviously total fucking shit for brain dead mouth breathers - is still better then Good Morning Vietnam. Robin Williams was a cunt. (Oh, how I love the word "was" in that sentence!)
  9. Fuck off, every cunt's got one.
  10. I doubt you know yourself what you're ingesting any more, but I would like to buy a bag or two of it for purely medicinal purposes.
  11. Cuntybaws

    Bill Nighy

    The cunt claims to be 66. Fuck me, but it must be a harder life than it looks fucking B-movie starlets. On an unrelated note, his middle name is Francis. It's not a statistically significant sample I know, but that makes two cunts out of two...
  12. Dog's milk or rat's milk? Or just good old Vitamin S?
  13. Next week on CBeebies, that old family favourite "Fritz The Cat".
  14. My heart has joined the Thousand, for common sense stopped running today.
  15. You might want to rephrase that. Or perhaps not.
  16. The pleasure was all mine, Decs. Bonsai.
  17. Oh bless, you looked it up. Idiot.
  18. Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.
  19. No surrender! Oh fuck, rumbled.
  20. He's played us for fools, Frank, that cursed Moriarty. We were no match for his untamed wit. I'm off now, never to return.
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