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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. They were probably from Portsmouth, Scotty, fuck 'em!
  2. Cuntybaws

    Paul McCartney

    It was a terrible sight. As the over progressed it was as if someone was slowly boiling a roomful of Minions. (Except they were black rather than yellow.) Er, perhaps microwaving popcorn is a better analogy.
  3. Cuntybaws

    Paul McCartney

    I watched the last over of this in a cocktail bar. In Jamaica. The little fuckers were bouncing off the ceiling when he hit the fourth six. All I could think of as I watched them was your blood pressure, Ed.
  4. Frank Ifield. Fucking poof!
  5. Hey, not fair, playing the double-ended joker. Good call re Jack, though. You'd need an industrial sandblaster to wipe off the shit-eating grin he sports in those godawful coffee adverts with George Clooney.
  6. She asked for a double entendre, so I gave her one.
  7. I've got one of these jumbo buckets on rush order to both you and Admin, and a month's supply of popcorn en route to Chez Baws. Don't let me down now!
  8. Indeed - I couldn't think of a better one to christen Scotty's thread.
  9. Either? Or? You're going soft in your dotage.
  10. Dogs licking their own big bollocks - it's nature's way. Let's just hope no-one with opposable thumbs comes along with a lead.
  11. Cuntybaws

    Ronnie Corbet.

    I'm not sure I like your tone.
  12. If it's Overcompensating Actor Top Trumps time, I'm ending it now by putting Jim Carrey on the table. (Yes, I've got the fucking cairds.)
  13. At the very least the time limit needs to be reviewed. 24 weeks is frankly ludicrous. 50 years should be about right to allow for retrospective action in Spunky's case.
  14. Cuntybaws

    Ronnie Corbet.

    At last I can say it - Ronnie Corbett interfered with me sexually in the seventies. At least, he would have, if he had been tall enough to reach my cock. He definitely had a glint in his eye, though. Where's my fucking compensation?
  15. Despite the Easter miracle of Ding's resurrection – which is probably the harbinger for 2000 more years of subsequent misery – and the inevitable locking of the thread, I still think the merchandising idea has legs. A range of t-shirts, perhaps, styled after the “Frankie Says...” theme of the '80s. I'd buy one.

    1. Decimus


      How about an ironically named Ding Drone?

      For spying and grassing purposes?

  16. Two likes in a day, Ding, I'm off to lie down now.
  17. You're quite right, it didn't last long (although it wasn't castigated per se) before it was replaced with this slightly less contentious image. The "pandering to whims" and "porn paradigm" phraseology has a familiar ring, but there was definitely a slur on my mental age and lack of originality in there somewhere too.
  18. Almost three years ago (on Monday, 22nd July 2013, at 18:53, if memory serves) I posted this picture of a frightfully hairy biff to the gallery of the old main site. I was castigated by the eponymous star of this thread who, prior to global warming, was a far less frequent migratory visitor to these shores. She said it was a predictable and hackneyed decrying of strong and hirsute women, or words to that effect, and only to be expected from a naughty schoolboy. I think I now understand why. I don't know why I'm telling you this. Perhaps because those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it?
  19. Cuntybaws

    Port Talbot

    Oh no, how will the cunts finance their subsidised prescriptions and bilingual road signs now?
  20. Fucking Aberdonians are bad for this. And they all invariably pay, individually, with either a pocketful of coppers, or a fucking credit card.
  21. Yes, those clocks going back a century has really fucked you Aussies over.
  22. Sorry, but I had to give Ding a "like" for his response.
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