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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. I thought at first glance this nomination might be a dig at those fucking Haribo adverts, but cold-calling salesman who think they're down with the kids are cunts too. I blame every single fucking cunt in the entire fucking world who has any kind of social media presence for dumbing down what was, if we're honest, a pretty dumb fucking bunch of cunts in the first place. Are you on Twitter or Instagram, Bill?
  2. Indeed, You wouldn't want those lifetime savings of £1.05 falling into the wrong hands.
  3. What sort of last century Neanderthal uses portrait mode for an online video?
  4. You missed out "Navigating shark-infested waters in a leaky boat crammed to the gunwales with refugees", which would have been slightly more on topic.
  5. Your avatar is strangely familiar. "You can't teach the old maestro a new tune."
  6. The story of Scrote's miserable sex life in a nutshell.
  7. Yes, but Vampire fucking Weekend? Plinky-plonk, Yank, plank spanking cunts. PS Note the use of the Harvard comma in the above list.
  8. I hope to fuck you just Googled that, because there's no place on the Corner for a Vampire Weekend fan.
  9. I've always wondered about Ringo Starr - although these days he looks more like Yasser Arafat.
  10. I detect definite echoes of Allen Ginsberg's "Howl" too. Ginsberg was another of those cunts who never know when to stop.
  11. Cuntybaws


    Those aren't Smarties, you fool. they're steroids. You'll be sorry for all those jibes about walnuts when you're getting your arse kicked.
  12. So what's the actual question here? Would you fuck her? Would you set her on fire? If both, in which order?
  13. It's hard to take a country seriously when its very existence is predicated on a promise made by a sky fairy to his "chosen people". However, now that the precedent has been set, I can see some value to the creation of the state of Poofland, perhaps somewhere in Tasmania.
  14. Cuntybaws

    Ben Marlow

    I'll set them up, you knock them down.
  15. Cuntybaws

    Tyson Fury

    Careful now. It's a short and slippery slope from "Do you know who I am?" to full blown Corner meltdown.
  16. Cuntybaws

    Ben Marlow

    I was going to concoct a tenuous and obviously false humorous anecdote, Viz-style, about a misunderstanding arising from a homonym of Dachau, but I lost the will to live half way through and opened a bottle of Polish vodka instead. You should therefore ignore anything I post after 18:30 tonight.
  17. Cuntybaws

    Cunts who smoke

    Because it's Japanese, and they are the most depraved and yet simultaneously confused/prudish cunts ever to trawl the internet. Imagine, if you will, an entire nation of BronyKeiths dressed in Hello Kitty girls' underwear while engaged in bukkake. That'll get you close. On a semi-related note (no pun intended) I nominated Japanese Vomit Porn several years ago and all the pictures - and eventually the entire nomination - got deleted. Just saying...
  18. The one on the left looks uncannily like Mr Stay Puft. I am strangely aroused.
  19. Cuntybaws

    Cunts who smoke

    Have you arrived straight at walnuts. or did I somehow miss a Zika virus tangent?
  20. Cuntybaws

    Ben Marlow

    Careful chaps. As Sun Tzu admonishes, "To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy." At the first sign of a Jib Jab, I'm out of here.
  21. "or"? I'm surrounded by fucking amateurs!
  22. Cuntybaws

    Brexit, again.

    You take that back! It's genuinely hurtful to compare my own linguistic perfection to the hordes of fuckwit illiterates who form the bedrock of the Corner.
  23. I think that's the first time I've ever liked a post for its edit rather than the original comment. Could this be the start of a new trend?
  24. Act like animals, get treated like animals. They should have followed the example of "the best fans in world" north of the border.
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