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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. One of my all time favourites - that, and Paper Moon. Which reminds me, Frank, does your daughter smoke? What's her brand?
  2. Fuck, no! Things just stick in my head, and I have a knack for seeing patterns and links. It's a blessing and a curse - but fear not, this being the Corner, the resemblance is less Sheldon Cooper and more Hannibal Lecter. PS That, and Flinty PM'd me
  3. "Glad to meet you, kid, you're a real horse's ass."
  4. I think you might be doing it wrong, Scotty!
  5. How very fucking dare you! One glance at this line up from the final of Miss Scotland 2015 will soon have you eating your words.
  6. This particular shower of cuntflaps need acquainting with the business end of a power-actuated Hilti nail gun. Rev, you're practically right next door - make it so. PS And if you've any nails left after you've finished with these cunts, be a love and see if you can't track down Jimmy Somerville and attach all his limbs to his thorax.
  7. Benny's been back at least once since this latest incarnation of the site in 2014, as has his old sparring partner FlintyCunt, both under different names. I don't think either of them are currently active, but I may well be wrong - there's some serious cunt turnover on here these days.
  8. Every night I trawl porn sites for hour after hour, desperately looking for footage of Mrs Baws. I haven't found any yet, but if I can find some evidence that she does ass-to-mouth I'm having me some of that, and to fuck with her excuses!
  9. Cuntybaws


    "Aw, bless, She's got kitten eyes, look." - Roger's Profanisaurus
  10. Kleftiko, Tuesday, October 9, 2012, 7:39 pm If that's your number, you are one daft old prick. Let the games begin...
  11. Hardly "hacked". In October 2012 he took great exception to something Klefty said and allegedly PM'd his mobile number in an attempt to continue the argument. Given that, you don't have to be the fucking Anonymous Collective to work out the rest.
  12. By strange coincidence, I have the world's largest collection of dead babies, but no teddy bears.
  13. Cuntybaws


    We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
  14. Read it again - it's cacography. Good work, Quimcy.
  15. What the fuck is Spunkape doing with marzipan? He doesn't strike me as a Battenburg sort of chap.
  16. Surely a blended malt is a better accompaniment for a prawn bhuna?
  17. Is this one of these challenges where we have to rearrange the above words to form another sentence. one which perhaps paints Fatty in a rather poor light?
  18. I think it probably IS his daughter. My image-enhancing software is still working on the document below it and if, as I suspect, it's her school timetable I will soon know what time her class does PE. Somewhat churlishly, Frank hasn't confirmed what confectionery his little moppet prefers, so I'll just have to trust the statistics and go with Haribo Starmix. The van is prepared...
  19. Personally I'm all for cunts who drive with the roof down. Bestgore has some great examples of what happens to the occupants of BMW convertibles in the event of sudden deceleration.
  20. Cuntybaws

    Yacht II

    Lest we forget...
  21. So that's your story? I remain to be convinced it's not Maddie.
  22. Cuntybaws

    Sweating Slags

    Glowing Flowers, surely? Mind you, that just doesn't quite convey the same level of bile.
  23. The day I discovered that Jimmy Somerville was being permitted to roam unstabbed through the streets of Glasgow despite his high falsetto, tiny raisin eyes, and love of cock was the day I left Scotland forever.
  24. What the fuck did anyone expect, given that every other Labour councillor and party activist these days is a fucking Muslim? Fresh off the boat, or umpteenth generation, they never leave the prejudices and hatreds of their backward shithole cultures entirely behind. PS Fuck the Pope!
  25. That little girl on the fridge is cute, Frank. What sort of sweeties does she like?
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