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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Ordinarily I'd have expressed my disappointment over your use of an apostrophe in the possessive "its" but I'm so distraught at Ding's earlier misuse of exclamation marks that you get an almost free pass tonight. It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again.
  2. This is the well worn Cunts Corner "Dambusters" argument. You have to see the bigger picture Scotty - TEN exclamation marks.
  3. This is a euphemism, right? Yggdrasil was a cunt.
  4. What's brown and sounds like a bell?
  5. Ten exclamation marks, Frank, fucking TEN.
  6. DingTheBoringStupidRacistMultiQuotingUsingTooManyExclamationMarksFuckingCunt
  7. Should he ever come back from this one his next user name is now obvious - DingTheBigRacist.
  8. The overt racism is one thing, everyone's allowed the odd drunken faux pas. This shouty, ungrammatical hyper-punctuated drivel, on the other hand, deserves a spike through the foramen magnum.
  9. I see what you're doing, you sly dog!
  10. Heard one of the cunts complaining that the police were “too heavy handed”. I hope the fucking idiot had his sperm frozen before leaving Blighty, because I doubt he'll get off so lightly next time.
  11. I would like to return this avocado, the baby oil, and the can of Pedigree Chum. I'll hang on to the vodka though, thanks.
  12. All factors, true. And schemes are administered by an independent Board of Trustees, so on the face of it nothing to do with Green at all. However, Green is the one who took "contributions holidays" and then capped inflows to £10m per annum despite the scheme running a £300m deficit.
  13. One from the THE JELLY SHYSTER GALLERY all right.
  14. This is the eighth coffee-related thread since 2012, and I've exhausted my stock of lame civet cat jokes. It's an existential crisis.
  15. I have a heart condition. If you hit me, it's murder!
  16. Oh fuck it, here's one last shot tonight from the pinhead vaults to celebrate the Rev's resurrection.
  17. The polecat-faced cunt he's shacked up with has shat out one soul-free ginger already. I won't post a picture of them here to avoid upsetting Frank, but you have to wonder at the IQ of a man who looks at that nuclear family and decides on any course of action other than immediate self-castration.
  18. The sane response of anyone worried about being rendered sterile in a Zika infested shithole is not to visit that shithole in the first place. But knock yourself out, Greg, you stupid fucking cunt.
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