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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. And "the beam". Furthermore, Gurters, the definitive King James version actually concludes, "thou fliddy fucking mongoloid." PS Much like Highlander 2, how I wish there had never been a sequel to "The Mote in God's Eye".
  2. When Frank boosted Gyps to the top of the leader board the other day by spurting likes all over her in a frenzied orgy of manipulation, Withers joined in. The next day, Withers awarded all his likes to Frank. At the time I wondered whether Withers was Frank, but this theory doesn't explain the current abomination. Surely not even the most feeble-minded of spastics would ever reward you with more than the occasional pity like.
  3. Cuntybaws

    Pokemon go

    Based on a sample size of just one post, your original assertion could be said to lack statistical legs. However, T'Pau herself would be hard-pressed to refute it logically, based on the lack of punctuation alone.
  4. Same goes for that fat fucking talent vacuum James Corden. And Piers Morgan, obviously.
  5. Cuntybaws

    Pokemon go

    Just the one, eh?
  6. This “ginger bulb-headed cunt” was nominated once a while ago for being shit in low-budget British films so how the actual fuck did he end up starring alongside the likes of Tom Cruise in the increasingly desperate Mission Impossible franchise? Not to mention delivering an even worse Scottish accent than James Doohan in Star Trek? Now the scrawny little shitstack has gone all full-blown Hollywood Luvvie and thinks he's the fucking mutt's nuts. If ever further evidence was required that Americans are easily duped, pig-ignorant philistines, just look at this cunt's bank balance. It makes me fucking sick.
  7. Someone else already plumped for nunsploitation, or that would have been my next guess. As you say, we're not really guessing though, are we?
  8. Your thing surely has to be Lars Von Trier then? Something with cocks in, definitely.
  9. You're more of a "Brokeback Mountain" sort of chap, then?
  10. Cuntybaws

    I hate Cats

    It must be a comfort to you, knowing you have so much in common with Dennis Nilsen.
  11. Some cunt has to. I'm only surprised he didn't incorporate the "cock juggling" bit. Fire is the cleanser.
  12. This is a real image, captured by yours truly from the Pornhub site just a minute ago. It's actually making it very difficult to maintain an erection.
  13. Exactly how I picture you, although fuck knows, I try my hardest not to picture you at all.
  14. I can't - you've got all the fisting butter.
  15. "It screams like an abattoir full of retarded children."
  16. Some wrinkled old cunt being interviewed this morning said that panicked people running into a restaurant for cover had spoiled their nice meal. I wasn't paying too much attention to be honest, as I was ruminating regretfully on the time last year when I considered sending Punkape tickets to the Eagles of Death Metal concert at the Bataclan as a surprise birthday present, but then plumped instead for the unimaginative alternative of a catering size tub of fisting butter.
  17. You forgot the hashtag.
  18. Cuntybaws

    BoJo of the FO

    These Welsh cunts have no shame. Or fashion sense. Or soap.
  19. They had doors where you lived? Well, lah-di-fucking-dah!
  20. Cuntybaws

    Theresa May

    How come the "Minister for Women and Equalities" always ends up being a fucking woman?
  21. Apparently he was in that recent Channel 4 series about AI, "Humans", but I was too busy looking up the foxy sex robot's skirt to say for sure. I doubt this helps.
  22. Cuntybaws

    Theresa May

    Darling fascist bully boy...
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