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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Of course it's been done, you terminal fuckwit, but that's never stopped anyone before. Besides, it annoys the limp-wristed soccer deniers on here something chronic so crack the fuck on. Ring the bell, and watch them salivate. I nominated Chris Kamara once, as it happens, and there's really no more to be said.
  2. Christopher fucking Nolan, what a cunt! "At least he'll never make anything that bad ever again", I thought - but then came Interstellar.
  3. Cuntybaws

    Deepak Chopra

    Chopra is a total fucking nutcase. Just because he uses big words doesn't mean he's clever. Oprah Winfrey is a big fan, but if he can't cure her of being a stupid fat cunt then what use is he?
  4. Cuntybaws

    Deepak Chopra

    Insane in the M-brane.
  5. If I had ever been here before on another time around the wheel I would probably know just how to deal With all of you.
  6. With an ant sucking his left nipple? Sounds like it ought to be a scene from "Inception". Perhaps it IS a scene from "Inception" - I did fall asleep half way through.
  7. All battered and deep-fried, then pureed so that it can be gummed down by their esteemed Scottish visitors.
  8. It's a new demographic these days. If you don't appeal to the ABC1's, Admin bins you.
  9. Real men? Get this right fucking up you.
  10. The progression to tertiary syphilis is indeed a terrible thing to behold. I recall a conversation with thecatwoman once, a rehash of the old "If Pluto is a dog then what the fuck is Goofy?" chestnut. Neither of us had the remotest clue what Fender was. I suggest you ask Frank.
  11. Let's just hope that when Trump builds his wall round America Corden is trapped on the inside, along with Piers Morgan.
  12. You don't need to pause when you breathe through your skin.
  13. There are some masters of tmesis on here. Abso-fucking-lutely.
  14. If you go around correcting every mistake of spelling, grammar, or simple matter of fact, you'll go fucking nuts. Lord knows, some nights I cry myself to sleep over some of the abuses of the English language I'm forced to endure, but there aren't enough hours in the day to begin to address them all.
  15. He's still going strong, I'm afraid. Today, Spunky's favourite prat in a hat paid a visit to Auschwitz, and jolly sad he looked too. I couldn't help wondering, though, why on the one hand Fred West's house was knocked down because of its evil history, but they won't bulldoze this hell on earth and salt the ground. Is some cunt charging admission?
  16. Close enough for government work.
  17. Royal London are the main offenders. To make matters worse, they use some Baldrick-looking Welsh cunt to do the voice over. They also sponsor the cricket. Draw your own conclusions about what tedious little lives their marketing department must lead.
  18. In my experience, any cunt with a hyphenated surname could only be improved by 15 minutes at full power in a 2000 watt industrial microwave.
  19. You're talking to a man with an extensive collection of Trainspotting avatars, which I bring out on occasion when some cunt needs glassed. Out of interest, if you're an East coast black tar heroin addict then what's with the Tata Steel reference? Those curry munching turncoats are/were based out West, in Cambuslang and Motherwell.
  20. Cuntybaws

    Foy Vance

    Closest I can get. This preening cunt needs fifty shades of shit kicking out of him, then back into him, then back out of him again. What sort of arsehole, knowing he's ginger, goes ahead and grows an attention seeking weasel on his face anyway?
  21. Take up the white man's burden, eh?
  22. “You speak of Lord Byron and me; there is this great difference between us. He describes what he sees, I describe what I imagine. Mine is the hardest task.” ― John Keats
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