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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Talentless funking bucket of shit, surely?
  2. Cuntybaws

    Meat Bin

    Here's one that Mrs Roops might appreciate. That's a lot to swallow!
  3. Cuntybaws

    Meat Bin

    You say "beer" but we all know you mean "spunk".
  4. Not so much Doo XXX Till You Drop, as Don't XXX You Fucking Cock
  5. He's an ugly looking fucker, that Dutch cunt, exactly the sort of needle-dicked inadequate you'd expect to buy love online. I once went to a meeting of the Moonies in their West London "HQ", after being invited along by a really hot Dutch chick who accosted me on the street. I reckoned I was a racing cert for some group sex and drugs to help get me converted, but all I got was some tea and a piece of stale cake and a bunch of bollocks about God. Cunts.
  6. Cuntybaws


    It's all gone now, of course, but some cunt who really genuinely actually used to do this posted on The Corner for a while, back in the day. He made a most convincing case for his sick perversion, even in the face of well reasoned counter-arguments, which included being called a fucking poof and a weirdo!. Google "Tailpipe Man" - that's the chap.. PS Has anyone done the joke about the Irishman shagging the Princess yet?
  7. Cuntybaws


    I wonder what their vetting and quality control procedures are like, especially on self-uploaded images? I have this brilliant idea for a card that starts, "Dear Kate and Gerry..."
  8. Is it too soon for Jihadi John jokes?
  9. Ms Jeffs said one person "threatened to put a machete through the back of her head." To be fair, if that's not a hate crime I'm not sure what is.
  10. Funnily enough, if you want to go to Africa on holiday the NHS don't pick up the bill for any vaccinations you might need. Nor does it pay for factor 50 sunscreen to reduce your risk of contracting skin cancer. So I'll be buggered (see what I did there?) if I know why it should pick up the bill for this. On s semi-related note, I hope all the poofs get Zika or Ebola instead, and if that's a hate crime then they can shove it up their arses.
  11. Not as strange as this.
  12. I a-fucking-a hate a-those fucking-a puppet cunts! Their puke-looking sauce isn't even Italian, it's made in fucking Holland.
  13. That could never happen today, surely, it's not the fucking dark ages! Just make sure your coffin is fitted with Bluetooth.
  14. A woman needs a fish like Manky needs a bicycle. Or something like that...
  15. Get the fuck out of here! I always thought they grew on trees, like spaghetti.
  16. I suggested to my wife that she'd look sexier with her hair back. Which is apparently a terribly insensitive thing to say to a cancer patient...
  17. I was thinking about getting a Labrador but on reflection, fuck that, have you see how many of their owners go blind?
  18. Did you know that chips are made out of potato?
  19. You've got the advanced dickhead!
  20. Shit photography's one thing, shit sculpture is quite another.
  21. Fuck off, you fat benefit scrounging council cake. Etc.
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