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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Not Half a Sixpence? Sir Robert Wilmot-Horton was a cunt.
  2. It will make the policing of the next EDL rally in Luton a damn sight more interesting. Will it be racist now to call them pigs?
  3. While browsing randomly I chanced upon a reference to SPG which made me chuckle. “Philip Green possesses an appearance so darkly befitting a caricature that one might see it, like the stripes of a wasp, as a warning from Nature itself.“ I wish you'd said that.
  4. Oscar Pistorius's Össur blades cost around $15000 each. They might have made him faster, but they didn't give him any class.
  5. I'll set them up, you knock them down.
  6. It's Richmond, the basement-dwelling computer engineer from the IT Crowd, accidentally walking into a beam of sunlight. Richmond. Rick? I wonder...
  7. I would wear Charlotte Church like a fucking coonskin cap. Er, she's not still 14, is she?
  8. I had three of the cunts but they all grew up sufficiently to fuck off so, in the same way in which women forget how fucking painful and horrible childbirth is, I have nothing but fond memories of the little cherubs now. I'd like to know where my bank manager got that fucking Ferrari from, though.
  9. The Beehive cluster is a fine sight with even modest binoculars. Charles Messier was a cunt.
  10. The theological possibility of a Jewish Antichrist has briefly crossed my mind.
  11. Everybody has their weak spot, but not everyone lets slip what it is quite so spectacularly. Not on here, not if they know what's good for them.
  12. He won't mind me recycling his material. Besides, miscarriages are just fine with God, it's abortions he has a problem with.
  13. A prehensile tail, though, and he's right back in the frame.
  14. Almost as bad as men who pretend they're sad when their girlfriend subsequently suffers a miscarriage.
  15. Cuntybaws

    Ruth jones

    Meet the next generation of Welsh method actress...
  16. I must have slaughtered about eighteen thousand before I realised, you know, what I was doing. I thought, "The fucking television has driven me to this."
  17. Spooky. I posted some fisting butter just a minute ago.
  18. Cuntybaws

    The Earth Turns

    Many nasty things would happen if the Earth didn't turn but all floating off into space wouldn't be one of them. PS I'd better not catch anyone making the "The Earth sucks" joke, either.
  19. STV weatherman Sean Batty (a clue in the name there?) has been described as a “cult favourite” at the Scottish station. This may be a misspelling.
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