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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. A complete cunt, dead or alive, mon louche ami. A shame he will never now feature in one of your videos - what a double act that would have been.
  2. Cuntybaws

    Cashpoint Cunts

    That's the spirit, Bubbles, er, CB, er... I don't suppose you'd consider changing your user name to save confusion? Maybe something with the initials BBC? Also, since none of the other bone-idle cunts have seen fit to raise the subject of your avatar status with you (vis-à-vis its absence) it once again falls to me to do fucking everything around here. Get. A. Fucking. Avatar. PS Welcome aboard.
  3. Cuntybaws

    Cashpoint Cunts

    Zoltar sees all, knows all.
  4. If you haven't met Rick yet, I have a funny feeling that you're about to.
  5. Cuntybaws

    Cashpoint Cunts

    Now now, Alfie, that's no way to speak about Bubba.
  6. I don't know why we give Quincy such a hard time about the "Yacht" series, because it's a fucking masterpiece compared to his inaugural nomination, "Cuntzil". And at least old buggerlugs can spell "Council".
  7. Cuntybaws


    That "something else" wouldn't have been "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" would it? Re avatars, don't make me bring Mr Flibble out of retirement. You wouldn't like me when I'm very cross.
  8. Cuntybaws


    Just chanced upon a 4-month old article, did you? Or are you on their mailing list?
  9. Cuntybaws


    Monty Python meets Hellraiser.
  10. You forgot mild hirsutism, and bangers that resemble bowling balls in a pair of wet socks.
  11. Cuntybaws


    Buy me a drink first.
  12. Cuntybaws


    I knew you'd appreciate a bit of Freddie Mercury.
  13. Cuntybaws


    A shame you couldn't hold on for the "Walnut-a-head" chorus at the end.
  14. Hmm, exhibits a rudimentary grasp of Spoonerisms - best turn the condescension down a notch for this one. Bill is our self-styled top dog. Sadly in reality he doesn't even reach Top Cat status, instead bearing more than a passing resemblance to Benny the Ball.
  15. Better ask for it to be moved sharpish, then, before some shining wit invites you to commit some form of potentially fatal self harm.
  16. Cuntybaws


    You in turn misunderstand me as my point wasn't about "likes" at all, but rather the alleged inconsistencies of moderation. I know you've been vocal on that particular subject and, while not in the Decimus class of either meltdowns or Roops-related arguments, it's still interesting to watch your slow motion flogging of a deceased horse. (For small values of interesting.)
  17. One of those few poor unfortunates who in real life actually looked worse than their Spitting Image puppet.
  18. Cuntybaws


    Yours gets three likes, mine gets the ultimate down vote. Just like the real Sicki, go figure. It's the sort of inconsistency that Snatch could fulminate about for weeks, but luckily I am not a man for giving too many fucks.
  19. Beirut's not that bad actually, if you're reasonably risk averse. Based there you can scuba dive in the morning, then take a short drive and ski in the mountains in the afternoon. I'd take it over Dudley any day.
  20. Surely anyone christened Donald who has any sense shortens this rather shit duck-related name to Don. Donald Pleasance was perhaps the only example of someone who could carry it off successfully, and you'd really have to be quite the awful cunt to actually draw attention to it by using the definite article. It's more common in Scotland (and obviously among Americans who don't know any better, most of whom probably think it's Irish) but even there it has long been the subject of some ridicule, as evidenced by Andy Stewart's teuchter ballad, “Donald, where's your troosers?”
  21. Cuntybaws


    Kicking your arse all over the place. (Sing it) We will, we will fuck you!
  22. Cuntybaws


    Because it's about fucking Paris. If it had actually been funny I might have considered giving it a proper home. That said I posted one on the parrot thread last night, you know, the one where the landlord asks "Where did you get that?", and it only lasted about 5 minutes. I guess Rick doesn't like parrots. Since I doubt my A material (or should that be X material) would last 5 seconds, why waste the time posting them in the first place?
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