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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. It would be just your luck to slaughter every dog walker in a 10 mile radius and then be undone by a truffle pig.
  2. The old ways were the best.
  3. It's better to be a has-been than a never-was.
  4. Cuntybaws

    David Cary

    I've just read the transcript of the Court proceedings and it's a complete and utter fucking joke. It sounds like they've finally shelled out just to get the cunt off their backs (no pun intended.) Cary has raised this complaint against the Met on three separate occasions to various Courts and then to the IPCC and on each previous occasion the complaint was dismissed. He then complained about the IPCC and when an independent assessor was appointed to review the matter he complained about that too, on the grounds that the assessor wasn't gay and so presumably couldn't possibly understand what the butthurt little faggot had suffered. The absolute best bit about this, though, is that the neighbour who insulted him so grievously was a woman, and in a previous altercation she had broken his jaw. She's obviously some piece of work, but at least she knows a glass-jawed fucking poof when she sees one.
  5. What was the first order then. a washing machine for your fucking gazebo?
  6. "see's" has now joined "grinded" in the lexicon of losers.
  7. Are you sure it wasn't the Village People?
  8. If there is any justice in this world the last noise you ever hear will be sound of Airwolf engaging turbo boost just prior to unleashing a full complement of Hellfire missiles in your general direction.
  9. He took his genital hygiene very seriously indeed, that man.
  10. I especially love the "six pack" which appears to have been spray painted on by a blind idiot.
  11. Cuntybaws

    Kenow Twats

    If they want to be a proper minority than let's oblige by stringing a few of the fuckers up from the nearest tree.
  12. In, out, in, out, and shake it all about.
  13. I wonder what the media would call it if there was ever a scandal about a gate?
  14. Cuntybaws

    New Towns

    All that anal sex on amyl nitrate has fucked your counting good and proper. How many fingers am I sticking up?
  15. Cuntybaws

    New Towns

    It sounds like the sort of disease that shouldn't be mentioned in polite company. "I'm sorry, Mr Jones, but you have tertiary skem. If anyone asks, just tell them it's AIDS."
  16. Cuntybaws


    You're number one!
  17. I think we all preferred that Ed. Except, perhaps, for Ape.
  18. Not so fast. The induction video for Crayford Motor Parts Direct is still the original and best.
  19. Let me guess, this shitheap is in Yorkshire? The only thing that surprises me about English Heritage is that they haven't switched over to black plaques yet. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/blue-plaques-english-heritage-black-asian-bame-figures-honour-a7319566.html
  20. Jesus obviously realises that the West Bank problem is a bit too multi-factorial, and is aiming instead for the relatively low hanging fruit of the West Lothian question.
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