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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. So, not croupiers then? I don't see why these cunts should be spared.
  2. Like landlords, you mean? As for dealers, legalise everything, a pound a pop, and let evolution take care of the rest.
  3. What the fuck possessed you to go there? Are you Hen Broon?
  4. Same goes for "Glasgow" Celtic fans, with their tricolours and rebel songs. Ship the lot of them to a sink estate on the outskirts of Dublin and see how the cunts like it when they get their heads kicked in by real Irishmen.
  5. Statistically speaking there is probably at least one paedo on here, and I know for certain that it's not me. Until someone owns up, no-one else is above suspicion.
  6. I've never seen this either, mainly because I avoid supermarkets like the plague. Also, lazy old cunts can fuck off and die for all I care.
  7. Cuntybaws


    I certainly wouldn't employ some coarse cunt. That's my job.
  8. "You should never hold a candle if you don't know where it's been. The jackpot is in the handle on a normal fruit machine."
  9. What do you make of Black Star, though? A fitting legacy, or a final journey up his own backside?
  10. Cuntybaws


    Interesting concept. Is there a German word for "lower peoples" perhaps?
  11. Cuntybaws

    Oscar Cainer

    What is it with fucking Oscars? Oscar Pistorius, Oscar Wilde, #OscarsSoWhite, Oskar Schindler, and now this slap-headed charlatan.
  12. That the Guardian Music Blog isn't for me? "I used to be with it, but then they changed what *it* was. Now what I'm with isn't *it*, and what's *it* seems weird and scary to me. It'll happen to you..."
  13. Just had a quick look at this, and was particularly struck by their list of “Best Albums of 2016” 1. Beyonce (Black, cunt) 2. Frank Ocean (Black, Gay) 3. David Bowie (White, fuck only knows) 4. Kanye West (Black, cunt) 5. Solange (Black, beat up Jay Z in a lift, so OK by me) 6. Anohni (Transsexual, fucking weirdo) 7. Rihanna (Black, but definitely likes cock - just like # 6) Funnily enough, I don’t remember Gongers putting any of these on the Music thread that Jacko so admires.
  14. I think that Gary Seven and TMA-1 have a lot to answer for. You surely don't believe this load of old bollocks?
  15. My career path took me in and out of NASA and JPL on several occasions, although the Voyager programme was a bit before my time. I miss my tradesman days.
  16. It's mostly powered by plutonium radioisotopes, so loss of solar energy isn't the major issue. There's been an ongoing shut down of instrument systems to preserve power ever since it left the solar system - starting with the cameras that took these final images. By switching other things off and on again it should be possible to keep it going for a good few decades yet.
  17. Not strictly true. The interstellar data from both Voyagers is still arriving and being processed. The latest JPL operations reports can be accessed here: http://voyager.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/weekly-reports/ Carl Sagan wrote a book inspired by the picture above, the "Pale Blue Dot", the last image ever taken by Voyager 1 in 1990 as it turned one final time to look back at Earth from the very edge of the Solar System. It begins, "That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world." Punkape is a cunt.
  18. I once posted a drunken full-page ramble on this theme on the late lamented "Not a Cunt" thread. Catwoman might remember it, but hopefully no-one else does. The miracle was that Voyager 1 got that far in the first place. An error in the 30th decimal place during any of its gravitational slingshots would have meant missing the final flypast. What computers there were in those days simply weren't up to the job, so the majority of the manoeuvres were pre-calculated by hand. I love that little tin bastard!
  19. Somewhat ironic that Kirsty was taken out by an all-too-real boat. On a semi-related note, I saw that Christa McAuliffe's "Reach for the stars" was Quote Of The Day on BrainyQuote last week. That's ironic too, because exactly 50,000 years from now her right arm will reach Alpha Centauri.
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