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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. You're confusing me with Decimus. Unlike him, I have a few faint vestiges of pride and self-respect left. I also know for a fact that Mrs Roops has a soft spot for black cocks. You're not one for litotes MC, are you?
  2. Charlton and the Wheelies.
  3. <DingMode> Small world, Eric. I was knobbing a lass once who lived by Norwood Junction. An older woman she was, 24 and filthy. I felt sullied and used; and I never did get to go to that pub. </DingMode>
  4. Cuntybaws

    Spirit Science

    Founded by a Canadian though, eh?. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/The_Spirit_Science "The Spirit Science is a passive-aggressive cult website created by Jordan Duchnycz (who also goes by Jordan David Pearce), a native of Winnipeg, Canada. The site promotes a wide range of New Age woo including but not limited to astral projection, chakras, crystal woo, orgone energy, quantum woo and sacred geometry, generally bearing a lot of resemblance to theosophy."
  5. Cuntybaws

    The BBC

    They spent a whole day doing that very thing just a couple of months ago. There's also this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b088rp6x Sorry to piss on your chips.
  6. I always thought your linguistic style seemed familiar, Fends. You're Professor C H Dalton, aren't you? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Practical-Guide-Racism-C-Dalton/dp/1592404308/ref=sr_1_1?
  7. Cuntybaws

    The BBC

    I just read the BBC's tribute to Julie Barnes-Frank, an officer in the Greater Manchester Police and their poster girl/boy for LGBT rights, who has sadly died. In the article it says that "GMP now has the biggest police contingent in any Pride parade, not just in the UK, but across the world". Manky must be very proud.
  8. So, it IS Jazz, then - or someone doing a good impression. I saw that cunt Judge lurking about recently, so anything's possible.
  9. Someone's channelling the spirit of Jazz.
  10. I haven't. In fact, I've never been to any of his restaurants, because (a) I wouldn't give the belming little wankcrumpet the steam off my piss, let alone my hard-earned, and (b) I'm not a stupid fucking cunt.
  11. I had occasion to call a well-known insurance company today (Paul Whitehouse is a cunt!) and they've obviously run a few focus groups which informed them, “Your on hold music is fucking crap!” So, they've added a new step to the interminable process that precedes getting to speak to an actual human being, where you are invited to choose what sort of musical torture you’d prefer. For Motown, Press 1. For Classical, Press 2. For Jazz, Press 3… I don’t know what came after 3 because at the mention of Jazz I pressed 2 in a panic. Yes, you guessed it, fucking “Für Elise”, played by someone to whom the piano was apparently a very recently learned instrument. For the next few minutes I sat miserably, wearing the same expression as Ray Stantz when he realised that he had inadvertently chosen the form of the Destructor.
  12. Yes, even if we can't all agree where it is, there's a line. Now, get over it. FWIW, I don't for a second believe it's "personal" and I have no problem with moderator discretion being applied in such circumstances. I do wish there was more latitude to rip into newbies early doors, especially when they are obviously partaking enthusiastically in the slagging themselves, and - like others - I can't fathom why we can call each other every name under the sun except for "paedo", or why making reference to the fictitious family members of fictitious users on a site called Cunts Corner is such a big deal. I guess my own opening line pertains..
  13. In fairness, someone had already used the map of Tassie. FCUK have got a lot to answer for.
  14. Butch and Cassidy, the original and best. Jessie and James are just cunts.
  15. Cuntybaws


    Where will it all end?
  16. Reported for inciting fellow member to kill himself.
  17. I think Ding fucked her once, but only after she begged for it.
  18. Good with colours, though.
  19. Oh dear, the top dog has befouled himself. Are you taking him far away to live out his days on Good Dog Farm this time?
  20. You've got to be careful going down the shoot first and do post mortems afterwards route, Snatch. It's only a matter of time thereafter before "Protect and Serve" becomes "Correct and Serve" and you're shot on sight for using the wrong "there" or misusing the possessive "its".
  21. Yes, I was insufferably pleased with myself for almost a whole minute after posting it. And to think I almost went with Baccaratnacht.
  22. Credit to Stephen Colbert for that last one. I'm not a filthy plagiarist.
  23. But you are peddling Catholicism as the best way to cure gayness. Apparently you get down on your knees, take a swig of wine, and accept the body of a man into your mouth.
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