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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Don't forget the pokey hats, Dan, and the butterscotch Instant Whip! Better to live a week as a jackal than a minute as a mole.
  2. Cuntybaws

    Phil Shiner

    Likewise, yesterday I began a tortuous analogy involving IEDs which went from legless, 'armless, to eyeless in Gaza. Luckily I thought better of it before posting.
  3. The great MikeD himself would be too ashamed to recycle any of the lame fish puns these cunts have come up with. Long live Viz.
  4. I fucking hate you, you evil fucking cunt. That salmon I was having for supper is going straight in the bin now.
  5. If you wanted to keep your 70 million you would be advised to keep fucking that lawyer, and act like it was Jessica Alba dipped in caramel.
  6. Cuntybaws

    Justin Welby

    I somehow can't picture Welby, or Rowan Williams, or George Carey, or Robert Runcie in the Knights Templar. Terry Waite would have had a better chance with Woody Allen in charge.
  7. I can tell you didn't go to a Scottish comprehensive.
  8. Cuntybaws

    Justin Welby

    I think it's fair to say that, as a general rule, your "professional Christian" is a sad, weedy, inadequate little fucker with beer-bottle specs, a gammy leg, and all the social skills of a clump of moss. How they fuck we lasted as long as we did in the Crusades is a mystery to me.
  9. Cuntybaws

    New Doctor Who

    Not jealous, just petty. In the land of the brainless, the small minded man is king.
  10. Cuntybaws

    New Doctor Who

    No cunt gave me any likes when I nominated this last time around, so Piston will have to suck my balls, unfortunately for him. (The fact that "likes" didn't exist then is a trifling irrelevance.) I'd give the gig to Peter Capaldi again, as it happens, on the condition he plays it as Malcolm Tucker and it goes out post-watershed when all the fan girls and poofs are asleep. "You fucking Daleks are a fucking omnishambles, ya cunts, so come and fucking get some if you think you're fucking hard enough. Motherwell rules."
  11. The perfect opportunity to recycle once again one of my favourite jokes of all time. Q. What do you get if you cross an Eton school boy with a polar bear? A. A polar bear.
  12. A super-eruption of the mega caldera in Yellowstone should see off at least 50 million of the redneck cunts. Fingers crossed.
  13. He might have to wait three weeks for it though, Spot, you don't log on nearly as frequently these days. Have they got you on a zero hours contract?
  14. You're all a bunch of Philistine cunts. That said, James Kelman would kick Irvine Welsh's arse in a square go.
  15. I am typing this on a Braille keyboard, having just plucked my own eyes out to avoid any risk of seeing a picture of this harridan should some heartless cunt see fit to post one.
  16. Yes indeed, Tim Westwood was the object of prolonged derision, with a 20-page blud-speak tangent thrown in for good measure. Honey G recently joined this roster of shame too. For future reference, Bubba has now mastered rudimentary search techniques and can tackle simple questions like this on my behalf.
  17. I can't find the version with the blowjob reference, so "going upstairs" will have to do instead.
  18. Israel is what you get when you let the "They did it to us, so it's OK if we do it to them" philosophy get out of hand.
  19. Have you come to arrange a holiday or would you like a blow job?
  20. Point of clarification. Is it The Ole Frank, or The Olé Frank? This is an important distinction, as one implies a flamenco dancing poofter who sticks his tiny sword into animals, and the other is a Spaniard.
  21. Fuck me, you'd never believe it to look at him, would you? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-38756508
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