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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. For some reason this reminds me of the chapter in The Choirboys that describes "The Night the Padre Tried to Eat Pressed Ham Through the Wrapper".
  2. Attributed to the late great George Carlin, although I don't think he ever said exactly that.
  3. Cuntybaws

    Tim Peake

    Christa McAuliffe's genitals are still up there somewhere.
  4. Cuntybaws

    Tim Peake

    It suddenly dawns on me that Tim Peake is getting off a bit lightly here. Do bark strippers work in zero gravity? That's my nomination for an experiment on the ISS. C. Baws, aged 10 3/4.
  5. Cuntybaws

    Tim Peake

    I'm not sure I like the tone of his voice, Quince, let alone the cut of his jib. Somewhere, I fear, a Tiger Bay sex worker is missing their handicapped child.
  6. Just wait until you get a load of Ding.
  7. Cuntybaws

    Poor cunt

    Perhaps the only silver lining for a Yorkshireman struck down with MND is the consolation of knowing that at least no-one will hate him for his strangled, digragh-lacking,mumblings any more. To then deliberately choose to reintroduce this handicap is like looking a gift horse from God right in its malformed mouth.
  8. Your ability to home in on these cum references is quite uncanny. And just a little worrying.
  9. Cuntybaws

    50th birthdays

    Except for the "having kids" part (I'll give you that one) anyone at 50 NOT doing all of the above has wasted their first fifty years and doesn't deserve any more time on this planet.
  10. I was last in Stoke Newington more than 20 years ago, and even then you wouldn't have known you were in Britain if wasn't for the grey skies and the drizzle. I dread to think what it's like now.
  11. In this case, for once, you should feel free to break the golden rule of woodchippery and feed the cunt in head first.
  12. More like mordancy, but let's not quibble over trifles. "Gotta get down to it, Soldiers are cutting us down. Should have been done long ago. What if you knew her, And found her dead on the ground? How can you run when you know?"
  13. Why Decs, it sounds like it's only a matter of time before you start bawling that men can be raped too, and then this whole sorry episode might make more sense. Was it someone you knew and trusted? Did he even use lube?
  14. Maybe we should get the Ohio National Guard over to give out some tips on what crowd control techniques are most effective when confronted by a bunch of unwashed fucking hippies.
  15. Maybe it's just me, but this is getting weird now.
  16. Sadly there are no vultures where I live, although some of the pigeons are a bit on the angry side.
  17. Pyres are the way to go. I tell people I'm a worshipper of the old Norse gods, but really I just like setting dead people on fire.
  18. I'm glad that James Gandolfini's dead.
  19. Too Soon? Yes, Woody, twelve IS too soon.
  20. Or anything with Woody Allen in it. Actually, I'm being a bit harsh there. I sat through all of "Hannah Does Her Sisters" once, and it wasn't that bad.
  21. Cuntybaws

    Phil Shiner

    I wasn't with you until I did a Google image search for "shit storm of lesbians". Based on what I've just seen you definitely wouldn't leave your best Persian rug under them.
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