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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Fuck you, Lobey Dosser!

  2. Wait a minute, has anyone done "Fat Cunts" yet?
  3. "Eee, I was a psychiatric nurse, you know..." Yes, we do know, given that you mention it every 5 fucking minutes you misshapen harpy.
  4. The only fucking katana you've got squirts watery semen, so while I'm flattered that you'd get it out for me I have to advise you that I'm not that sort of boy.
  5. You giant fucking asshat, Keith!
  6. Cuntybaws

    Ford Cortina.

    Wish I had a grey Cortina Whiplash aerial, racing trim Cortina owner - no one meaner Wish that I could be like him
  7. I was somewhat surprised that this archetypal paedo-cum-necrophile wasn't nominated on day one of the new Corner, but here he is now. For old time's sake I've dug out the original BBC news article from that wonderful day in 2011 when the vile old cunt snuffed it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-15507374 Among its many choice references, this pair of gems stood out for me: Broadcaster Tony Blackburn said Sir Jimmy was embraced by everybody Presenter Dave Lee Travis told Sky News: "We are all going to be worse off without him around." If I knew where the cunt's grave was, I'd dance on it.
  8. Cuntybaws

    Frank Maloney

    Apparently Robin Williams just heard that Kellie had beaten him to the lead role in Mrs Doubtfire 2. A shame, really, as Robin was a far more convincing woman.
  9. Cuntybaws


    Fuck, I knew of your imminent vacation and was going to claim credit for driving you off but you've scuppered my nefarious plan. Have a nice break - we'll see you all too soon.
  10. Cuntybaws


    You know me and numbers, Jazz, and the numbers say it may well be time to give it a rest for a little while. (And by "it", I mean "us". ) Since joining you've made 93 posts in total, and 19.3% of the total comments on the site today. The aforementioned Rick has been a moderator on here since March, and he's still only managed to accumulate 90 posts in all that time.
  11. Mr Flibble is very cross!

  12. Cuntybaws

    Cunt's Corner

    “A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.”
  13. Well that's immensely fucking generous of you. In the meantime, why don't you post something interesting, that might help.
  14. 1971 or thereabouts. Maddox was 13. I'll leave you to Google it further...
  15. Cuntybaws

    Frank Maloney

    I hear the next fight he arranges is going to be for a large purse. A Stella McCartney, probably.
  16. Lori Maddox. She bacame involved with Page later, but Bowie & Angie got in for a threesome with her first.
  17. I can't wait until applescruff69 arrives.
  18. Bowie's a cunt, and you know it. Or did I just imagine his threesome with a 14-year old?
  19. Although I try really hard not to, this is sort of how I picture AndyBurnett. (I dread to think how he pictures me!)
  20. Is this the voice of experience speaking?
  21. Cuntybaws

    Frank Maloney

    The pronoun you're looking for is "it".
  22. Cuntybaws

    Wartburg Knight

    "I'm not going to do nominations" Only question now is, which category will you use for obscure Staffycher hamlets?
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