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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. I am sad to report the results of a recent field experiment which indicate that the employment of this particular phrase is not conducive to one's testicular health. PS The sample size of this experiment so far is just one. This may not be statistically significant, but I'll be dipped in dogshit if I'm trying it out twice!
  2. It's safely locked away in a secure vault in my Fortess of Solitude where it can never harm humanity again. Pointless really, as once seen it cannot be unseen.
  3. I think the popularity of this phrase (if popularity is the right word) stems more from the sort of Home Counties stockbroker cunts that spunk several grand a pop on a single bottle of champagne while you sit in the corner of the bar nursing your half of Youngs Bitter trying to make their heads explode telepathically, like in Scanners. That said, there is a "street" usage of shabby where it already means its own opposite similar to "bad", "sick" and "wicked". If this trend continues it won't be long before we hear phrases like "Yo, that's well holocaust!".
  4. Sorry, force of habit. It's the only way I know to get sex these days, what with the price of chloroform and all...
  5. I see now why your book tanked I wonder what effect "I'm gonna fuck your arse a new shade of brown" would have?
  6. It's a social fiction. When someone greets you with "Nice day today" or "Raining again I see", what they're really saying is "Fuck off out of my personal space you awful cunt!" PS Not you personally, of course, just in general. (Well, perhaps you personally too, how would I know?)
  7. I'd assumed he meant "charcuterie", but then I realised there's no pork in a kokoretsi.
  8. Psychiatrists and prostitutes - separated at birth.
  9. If you're going to take a Corner sabbatical while carrying on a simultaneous dalliance with sobriety, then I strongly suggest you throw away all your paracetemol and razor blades now. Frasier Crane, eat your fucking heart out!
  10. If you want something more upmarket, check out how well the suave cunts brush up. Ah, brings back fond memories of "Chubby Brides"....
  11. Cuntybaws

    Take Me Out

    Any cunt that refers to football as "footy" is just begging for a good shoeing too!
  12. They don't look very fucking jolly, do they? Probably because they can't fit enough pies in to that little basket. I FUCKING HATE FAT CUNTS!
  13. You've got a fucking shelf? Well, lah-di-dah, you posh cunt, and here I thought I was the last king of Scotland!
  14. No, you cunt, no! Don't make me post the Um Bongo advert again!
  15. Norman Stanley Fletcher.
  16. Cuntybaws

    Take Me Out

    It's a Wheel of Misfortune all right!
  17. It was actually quicker than that but I reasoned (perhaps harshly) that some of the cunts on here might not be familiar with the zepto & yocto prefixes...
  18. For once, Frank does not actually go far enough. This death is too quick and merciful for the sort of cunt who would inflict Harry fucking Hill on someone who pays their rent. Er, you're not paying her in kind, are you...?
  19. Cuntybaws


    You still never did me, you soft cunt. Even more transparent than Wad, and that's saying something
  20. Fuck 'em up the bumhole, Darwin-style! '&do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  21. Fuck me, it's Patroller. There won't be a dry leg in the house.
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