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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Surely the time has come to activate the golems? If not now, then when?
  2. Whenever feasible, one should always try to eat the rude.

    1. Guest


      typing error?

      rude or rug?

  3. Rather than trying to guard so many separate potential targets in the larger European cities, surely it would be easier to keep them all herded together in a single area for their own protection?
  4. I recall someone else on here once who claimed, and I quote, to have "the advanced dickhead". Happy days...
  5. I am usually very adept at concealing my general contempt for humanity in order to blend in with the cunts around me and avoid raising any suspicions. (That way, if one or two of them go missing over the years I will not be a suspect.) However, put me in a car and I am afraid that the facade cannot be maintained. If I am ever finally revealed as a Lecter-like sociopath it will be entirely due to some old cunt in a hat driving a Nissan Micra, a Honda Jazz, or a Suzuki Swift. The certainty that I would not flourish on prison food is all that prevents me having laser guided missiles fitted to my own vehicle.
  6. If I should die, think only this of me. That there's some corner of the internet that is forever a cunt!
  7. When I hear someone say, "It's a mute point" I find it increasingly difficult to resist the temptation to cut our their tongue and pour acid on the stump. Then set them on fire.
  8. And he has the temerity to slag off other people's garden furniture...
  9. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cuntbreed
  10. Ways in which ProfB is like Professor X: Bald In a wheelchair Has a colostomy bag Fucking mutant Ways in which ProfB is NOT like Professor X: Likes crumpets (Professor X is more partial to a “wee scone” - see X-Men # 133) IQ of 45
  11. I'd splurge out (so to speak) on pay-per-view to watch this cunt shuffle down the Green Mile, his incontinence pants bulging more and more with each step. Fuck Mr Jingles, fuck Tom Hanks, and fuck Tom Daley!
  12. I suspect they're sharing a sleeping bag. Of course, by "sleeping bag" I mean condom; and by "sharing" I mean re-using.
  13. I don't know about flags at half mast, but dead Arabs certainly give me a semi!
  14. Time from registration to meltdown ~ 1:35. Not even close to the record.
  15. I was composing a similar list for this pair of prime pussies including, among other things, a St Bernard, some 9-inch nails, and a cheese fondue heated to about 200 degrees, concluding with a coup de grace delivered by a jumbo bar of Toblerone applied with force to the small intestine. No fucking point now, though!
  16. Has anyone ever told you you've got a truly evil streak?
  17. Cuntybaws

    Adrian Chiles

    I saw him once on The Money Programme, but very hastily turned it off before they got to the money shot.
  18. Cuntybaws

    Adrian Chiles

    With or without Chiles I would rather chew my own arm off than switch on ITV's football coverage. They are fucking abysmal on all counts. Mind you, they still manage to outscore BT Sport. What a sad indictment that is!
  19. The definitive example of RAS syndrome. PS To understand recursion, you must first understand recursion.
  20. Especially if they fingered him first!
  21. Never any fucking witches around when you need them!
  22. Cuntybaws

    Muslim Poofs

    A while back, in the style of Soccer AM, we allocated teams to several of our brethren who had protested a bit too much about ironmongery. If memory serves, Rat got Crystal Palace and The Rev got Hibernian. Poetic, or what?
  23. Apparently they still have tits on the Page 3 section of their website, but who in their right mind visits The Sun Online in these days of Pornhub and Redtube?
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