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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. It's a well-known fact that homosexualists can't handle their beer as well as straights. However, they compensate for this with the uncanny ability to keep down several gallons of assorted warm spunk.
  2. An unfair comparison. Cavemen were an evolutionary leap forward from Australopithecus and Homo Habilis. Not so these subhuman ISIS fucks – these cunts probably reproduce by binary fission.
  3. Best stay in the intellectual shallow end. You wouldn't want to get out of your depth.
  4. Been there, done that. Come to pray and remain to scoff.
  5. As well as the many other failings detailed above, it once again falls to me to point out a relative paucity on the avatar front. A working hypothesis is beginning to emerge i.e. that this "flynn" cunt is an indolent, piss-taking fucking spacktard!
  6. There's certainly a lot of it about. Makes you wonder where all the fucking babies come from.
  7. Yes, there are good lesbians and bad lesbians. (Much like good AIDS and bad AIDS, which always seems to confuse Proper.) This is one of the bad ones all right!
  8. Cuntybaws

    Ruth Hunt

    Ruth Hunt, the anodyne head of gay rights group Stonewall, has just popped up as a talking head on Sky “News” all tricked out in a suit just like a real boy. Fair enough – nothing wrong with the dynamic businesswoman lesbian-about-town look, if that's your thing. However, lest we forget, here is a picture of her at last year's Black Pride rally in London, sporting the more traditional accoutrements of the fat lezzer. Still need convincing? She's a practising Catholic; and she's Welsh!
  9. The smell of Sour Cream Pringles genuinely makes me want to puke on a visceral level. Not so most pussies.
  10. I think you may be confusing your spics with your dagos.
  11. I am not a number. I am a free man!
  12. Cuntybaws

    Mark Maclennan

    "Streak of piss" is about right. He might as well be carrying a bag of lollipops and a puppy. What fucking idiot employs a nonce-looking cunt like this in a nursey?
  13. An affair has dirty, squalid connotations. However, add an "e" to the end and you're into the realm of the classy and sophisticated. I mean, who could resist an affaire de coeur?
  14. If you have a spare moment, do an image search for "Tinkerbell porn". Who'd have guessed she was a squirter?
  15. Cuntybaws

    Charlie Hebdo

    They're not very funny either. # JeSuisCuntybaws
  16. Fair's fair, she called me a misogynist once. The polysyllabic bitch!
  17. That only counts as a perversion if you use more than one finger.
  18. Full marks for the early adoption of an avatar. Some cunts have been here years and still not managed it. (You know who you are, you idle fucksticks!) Not so sure about the username. What's the story there? You're not a fucking ginger, are you?
  19. This is rhyming slang, right?
  20. Getting involved is just fine. As the old analogy about the bacon and egg dinner has it, "The chicken is involved, but the pig's committed." Don't be the pig!
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