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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. ​Too fucking late now - just look at what you've started!
  2. ​Well, obviously, she'd still be tight on me - it's the other less fortunate men of the Corner I was concerned about.
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-29223563 It pains me to agree with Punkape but this was a disaster waiting to happen given the football culture of that time, and Hillsborough had come awfully close to it before. If it hadn't been Liverpool fans it would have been someone else. Just a shame it didn't happen at an Old Firm game.
  4. ​Well, I'm convinced! This makes the Turin shroud look pretty fucking limp.
  5. I'm fucking sick of seeing this cunt pop up advertising some shit or other every five fucking minutes. (Not as sick as I am of seeing Mo fucking Farah, but still pretty sick nonetheless.) Now that she's squirted out little Reggie there isn't even the consolation of knowing that she might be a bit tight.
  6. Cuntybaws

    Elton john

    ​"If you can't beat 'em, join 'em?" Or is this somehow post-ironic?
  7. ​It wasn't the first "shower" joke that popped into my head either.
  8. ​You'd make a piss-poor stalker - you missed a golden opportunity to speculate on his handicap!
  9. ​I once had a golden shower with your mum! Small world.
  10. ​Just exactly what the fuck is in Tizer anyway? You'd be better off letting your kids mainline heroin!
  11. ​Not sure whether you mean Derek Acorah or Ronni Ancona, but I suppose it makes sense either way. I fucking hate scousers!
  12. ​Do you remember the scene from Trainspotting where the Yank wanders into a Leith pub and asks to use the toilet? Makes you proud to be Scottish!
  13. Lux Interior was a cunt.
  14. ​I don't know - he sounds more like a Babycham sort of chap to me...
  15. "If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts." - Albert Einstein
  16. Cuntybaws


    ​As trigger events go, it's not quite Dexter Morgan, is it?
  17. Purpose of visit? : Sedition, armed insurrection, and the occasional beheading. Come right in Sir, just as long as you're not carrying seeds, and all your explosives are in a clear plastic bag...
  18. ​And here she is. The daft cunt was trawling through YouTube when she spotted a video entitled "The World's Ugliest Woman". She didn't realise it was her until she started to watch it - which serves her right, really.
  19. My current favourite t- shirt bears the legend: I hate morning people. And mornings. And people.
  20. Surprisingly close. It's a South Park episode - the one with Honey Boo Boo and James Cameron - which asserts that fat people need to be ashamed of their fatness, not proud of it, and that society needs to wake up and treat them as pariahs, much like smokers.
  21. Salt 'n' Shake - fucking class. There is a report on the BBC News website at present about Lizzie Velasquez, "The Ugliest Woman In The World" which I commend to the Corner. When I get back to a fucking civilised country with proper wifi and a real computer I may upload some more details, but I urge you to have a look and see for yourselves the harm that words can do. She IS very fucking ugly, it has to be said, but that's hardly her fault. There is no excuse for fat bastards, though, and there never will be. We need to raise the bar.
  22. Cuntybaws

    Fred Talbot

    I'D fuck him, CG, but it wouldn't be quite the sort of fucking he's accustomed to! Pervert that he is, I doubt even Fred has experienced the sexual frisson that accompanies a skilfully wielded nail gun.
  23. Cuntybaws

    Fred Talbot

    I think I've finally found a ginger I like! Er, you're not a fat cunt are you? A man's got to draw the line somewhere.
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