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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. That's a coincidence, because every time I buy a month's supply of extra-extra-extra large condoms the bint at the chemist's checkout says, "Could It Be Magic?"
  2. ​If you haven't played the clubs, you can't call yourself a comedian.
  3. On a related note, that "Trucking Cunt" chappie hasn't been on here for a while. He's probably banged up in Broadmoor - he sounded the sort of cunt who knew how to wield a screwdriver...
  4. "killing laddies of the night" - what, Aberdonian rent boys? The racist fucking cunts!
  5. ​I actually started to get ill once when some particularly nasty flu was doing the rounds, but I called it a cunt a lot and it was gone shortly afterwards, thus proving that microbes have either ears, or common sense, or both.
  6. ​Sounds more like fucking Baldrick!
  7. Cuntybaws

    richard III

    ​I just hope this re-enactment helps them catch the cunts who murdered him!
  8. ​I've never had any of these particular pleasures. Pyschotherapeutic advice in my neck of the woods boiled down to "Grow a fucking pair, you big fucking Jessie!" (I believe the yoof of today express this as "Nut up or shut up!".)
  9. ​Racism is defined as "the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races." Lee is, quite simply, a racist. It's funny how we apparently can never have enough "diversity" to suit these cunts. Africa (obviously much beloved by Mr Lee) is far less diverse than the UK, but you don't hear any of them banging on about how Africa needs more whites and Asians.
  10. It's gonna be a long hot summer from now on.
  11. ​Well, someone sucked me off through the glory hole - and whoever it was knew all the words to "Careless Whisper"...
  12. The Sky News ticker currently informs me that "SUSSEX POLICE BELIEVE A MISSING 12-YEAR-OLD GIRL MAY HAVE RUN OFF WITH AN OLDER MAN..." I should fucking well hope he's older - an 11-year-old is hardly going to be able to show her much of a good time, now is he?
  13. ​She told me that if I acted scared and promised not to beat you up, she'd give me a blow-job at the next service station. Mystery solved.
  14. ​PS Can I make bin lorry jokes now, or is still too soon...?
  15. ​Once you go Jew, the money comes through.
  16. It looks like Budgie The Little Helicopter after a close encounter with the Clutha Bar. Burn the cunt - burn it with fire!
  17. I'm no Luddite, but... the old site handled this sort of thing better. There were still threads about songs, films, TV etc, but pictures went in the gallery and you couldn't embed links, let alone entire fucking videos. The "Last 24 Hours" feed was therefore clean and easy to peruse. Could threads like this one at least be moved into the Members area so they don't clutter up the activity stream unless you're actually logged in? It's a real cunt to navigate around it all on a stupid fucking iPhone.
  18. Cuntybaws


    ​ Arse cancer is a cunt!
  19. ​I suppose the queues are out the door at the watermelon franchises too?
  20. Cuntybaws


    All of it. for fuck's sake woman, ALL OF IT. That dry January has really fucked you over!
  21. Cuntybaws


    It'll go away if you take enough paracetamol - about 10g should do it.
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