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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. You can fit a lot of dismembered prostitutes into a T6 if you stack them just right, but watch the cunt when you're cornering!
  2. Given the current Nazi purge, I suspect he's been in Paraguay or Bolivia...
  3. Funny you should mention Munchkins, Rev, when the police are "investigating a tweet" by sports journalist Fraser Paterson in which he joked that Sturgeon should be hung from the tree outside Bute House. Just as well all those comments about bark strippers have disappeared from the old site!
  4. Cuntybaws


    Few of us are, Keith, few of us are!
  5. Looking at the sort of cunts who do this, the further away their hands are from my crotch the better! Even shoulder level may not be high enough.
  6. Cuntybaws


    Careful Judge, some cunt might ban you if you go around speaking your mind and slagging off other members. And there's not that many of us left.
  7. Andreas Lubitz. Depressive, psychopathic, short-sighted, paranoid, weedy little fucker. Master race, my fucking arse. Ratcum RIP.
  8. That's a shame - I liked Sambo.
  9. ​Hey pal, don't make me get the Begbie avatar out!
  10. Cuntybaws

    John Barnes

    Super Caley Go Ballistic, Celtic Are Atrocious. Still brings a smile to my face after all these years!
  11. I'm quite at a loss for words, although this will no doubt pass quickly enough. Has Rothers staged a coup d'etat? Shit!
  12. ​A little mouse with clogs on?
  13. ​Admin, delete Punkape. I'm pretty sure he's nothing to do with rat, but best not to take any chances!
  14. I'm in a three-way with Cortana and Siri. Cortana spits, but Siri swallows!
  15. Bastard cuntfucking clocks, stealing my time...!

    1. Jiggerycock


      I feel that way about slow-moving cunts at bastardy supermarket checkouts. Little time-stealers who get to stop me doing what I want to do by small increments of time. Like death by a thousand miniscule cuts.

  16. ​For a rugger, golf & polo loving member of the Cheshire Set, you seem to know more about football than you let on. Any views on Millwall?
  17. Cook volunteered as a donor for a partial liver transplant for Steve Jobs, but Jobs rejected the offer. He probably knew what had been through it!
  18. ​And 25 with his underpants off!
  19. ​Your god got nailed to a cross. My god's got a big fuck-off war hammer. 1-0 to me, cunt!
  20. ​Your god must really have wanted these poor cunts dead, eh?
  21. ​How about I kick your fucking kidneys out through your urethra? lol
  22. ​They're saying now that he was depressed. I just hope the cunt didn't go cold turkey on his citalopram!
  23. When this latest news broke I was still trying to process yesterday's mindfuck i.e. that the 40 school kids in the Spanish class had drawn lots for the 16 places available. You fucking, fucking, fucking cunt!
  24. Oh, you fucking, fucking cunt!
  25. This talentless one-dimensional cuntstick today jacked in his little boy band because he wants a "real life". Oh Zayn, you daft fuck, I do hope you invested wisely, because if not I give it two years tops before you pop up in the jungle eating koala bear testicles.
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