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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. When you say "whistleblower", is that in any way related to playing the pink oboe?
  2. ​He's not big and he's not clever. No, wait - he's fucking enormous and he's not clever!
  3. ​Number 7 - cunts who backtrack
  4. Have you met PunkApe yet Bill? You two should get on like Mick Philpott's house.
  5. Cuntybaws


    ​Now hastily reviewing all my previous comments from the various "Audi" threads for anything banworthy...!
  6. One of my guilty pleasures (one of many, as it happens, but the only one you lot are hearing about today) is the video that accompanies the Busted soundtrack from the Thunderbirds movie. Seeing the Thunderbirds tearing up the Thames to a bass-enhanced riff on the original theme fanfare must bring a lump to any fan's trousers! Sophia Myles is quite definitely not a cunt.
  7. Cuntybaws


    ​Fatty Arbuckle?
  8. Bill Stickers is not innocent.
  9. ​You're doing that "might of" thing deliberately now, aren't you? Nice one!
  10. ​You had to ask, Uppers, you daft cunt, you just had to fucking ask!
  11. ​It's my party and I'll cry if I want to.
  12. I was searching, you were on a mission, when our hearts combined like a neutron star collision. Team Edward and Team Jacob are - somewhat obviously - a bunch of cunts.
  13. ​Light years, black holes, now fucking wormholes? Has Fender been possessed by the unquiet spirit of Carl Sagan? PS 7's, were you abducted, by aliens? I hope you told them you don't do anal!
  14. We are 12 billion light years from the edge. And Simon Singh is a cunt too.
  15. For so many years have gone though I'm older but a year, your mother's eyes from your eyes cry to me. Brian May is a cunt.
  16. ​Fuck off, Jazz! (Well, someone had to say it...)
  17. This Benton arsehole was in an ultra-annoying Nationwide ad campaign a few years back. He was a porky fucker then so - while I'd normally tuck into a tasty turd sandwich based solely on Spot's recommendation - I'm certainly not going to watch this corpulent talentless cunt on daytime TV.
  18. ​If you're going to crash into something French, surely it should be Sangatte rather than some poxy fucking mountain?
  19. Cuntybaws

    Village cunts

    Winscombe makes Royston Vasey look like fucking Portofino. What sort of cunt goes there voluntarily?
  20. I had a fuckload of chocolate for breakfast this morning. Nothing to do with Easter - I'm Scottish.
  21. Man will never be free until the last geezer is strangled with the entrails of the last scouser.
  22. The party's still going on inside, but some cunts just legged it with all the good whisky and the decent mix tapes. Still, I've been to worse; advocaat and Phil Collins, anyone?
  23. I like Empire biscuits. RIP Pen.
  24. Cunts who take the middle stall of three are the lowest form of vermin. Fucking sick perverts!
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