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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Cirque du Soleil are cunts!
  2. The leader of the Monster Raving Loony Party was lamenting the fact yesterday, in all seriousness, that they appeared to be losing votes to UKIP. At least, I think he was being serious - it's hard to tell.
  3. "Stephen Hawking" was briefly an actual member on the old site. (If he didn't nominate John Preskill, he fucking well should have. Lucky guess, Preskill, you cunt!) Anyway, with a 200+ IQ I'm sure he can stand up for himself. Er, wait...
  4. ​Either multis are allowed or they aren't. And either you should tell us who's who or keep completely quiet about it, surely? At the risk of sounding like Jazz, this whole fucking schtick is beginning to get on my thruppennies.
  5. ​According to the prosecution lawyer it does, if you're using binoculars to watch some cunt strumming herself from a secret hide constructed in a tree outside her bedroom!
  6. Cuntybaws


    Fucking Carrot Top! Not actually Irish, just unfortunately looks that way.
  7. ​Oh well, if it's an escalation game now...
  8. ​This has been up for 2 hours now and not one single grammar Nazi has seen fit to rip into it. Do I have to do fucking everything round here?
  9. It certainly puts a new slant on the old "salt versus sugar" debate. PS Does your grandmother live in a little cottage in the woods, by any chance. If so, watch out for bears - those cunts don't take kindly to people who come in their porridge!
  10. Cuntybaws


    Do what I do and just watch The Walking Dead instead.
  11. Cuntybaws


    ​​Neatly avoids Skitt's Law, and demonstrates appropriate semicolon usage to boot. I can find no fault with this man, Careful Neil, you're up against a pro here.
  12. Cuntybaws


    ​Depending on what sort of recognition you're after, it may be worth registering for ratemycock.com Or not.
  13. Cuntybaws

    Richie Benaud

    ​I hate to have to break it to you, my dear Fudge, but there may even be more than one! John 8:7
  14. Cuntybaws

    yank police

    ​Don't make trouble when your hands are tied...
  15. Cuntybaws

    Obese bastards

    ​Surely we can all agree that Christopher Biggins is a cunt?
  16. Cuntybaws

    Obese bastards

    ​Fuck my old boots, does no-one actually read the comments any more? (That's a rhetorical question, before you waste any invective on a response.)
  17. Cuntybaws

    Obese bastards

    Judge's comment wasn't about fat bastards, it was a a comment about posts about fat bastards. This in itself is a well-worn subject, traditionally expressed more briefly in the form, "Another fucking repeat bollocks!" I can only post so many bowls of petunias in one week.
  18. Cuntybaws

    Richie Benaud

    It's a reaction to the poster, not the post. Lazy cunting, but there you go. Galatians 6:7
  19. Cuntybaws

    Obese bastards

    ​Yeah, but you heard the latest? The Tefal-heads have just announced that being a porcine dough-ball makes it more unlikely you'll get Alzheimers in your dotage!
  20. Cuntybaws

    yank police

    Who killed Liddle? Did you kill Liddle? Who killed Liddle? Police killed Liddle Towers.
  21. Cuntybaws

    Richie Benaud

    He's riding the "Not Rolf Harris" wave.
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