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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. ​Fingers crossed! Still, if the worst comes to the worst, get your husband a bionic cock and then you can tell people you've got two things in common with Farrah Fawcett.
  2. ​Fuck, fuck, and thrice fuck! That's all I've got - that, and Sickipedia...
  3. 689 posts to date - and this is by no means the worst of them. No wonder the passing rough trade in the Guest Lounge slags us off, we're a fucking indefensible laughing stock.
  4. ​ Gone in sixty seconds! (It wasn't racist either - white men can't jump.)
  5. Cuntybaws


    Stress balls are a great aid for alleviating pressure. Jam half a dozen of those up some cunt's arse and you'll feel better instantly,
  6. Scrunch or fold is not a choice an adult should have to make. What's wrong with the good old wire brush and Dettol treatment?
  7. Fuck this for a game of soldiers, what do I have to do to get myself banished to the Guest Lounge?
  8. ​Jesus, is it time for your weekly comment already? Still, I suppose that in a wasteland bereft of Pen, Cat, Frank & Rat, and with Drew, Flinty & Benny joining you in the one-post-per-decade stats, we should be grateful you bother at all. Fuck, I even half-miss Fender.
  9. If you're that sensitive, Jacko, my advice would be to never ever look under the bed in a Travelodge!
  10. Cuntybaws

    Obese bastards

    ​You total fucking cunt, Spot, how am I supposed to get to sleep now with the hard-on this image has just given me?
  11. America is by far the greatest nation on Earth, and you should be fucking grateful they let us use their language! I miss Lena...
  12. Cuntybaws

    Katy Hopkins

    ​Oh, she's a fucking cunt all right. Look up "Fucking Cunt" in a picture dictionary and her sour, sanctimonious, bulldog-licking-piss-off-a-nettle face will be right there.
  13. Cuntybaws

    Katy Hopkins

    I'd rather fuck Vanessa Feltz, that's how much Hopkins repulses me.
  14. Cuntybaws

    neil fox

    I don't even know where to start with Sacha Baron Cohen. I miss Ratty...
  15. Cuntybaws

    Katy Hopkins

    ​The student must become the master. Wax on, whacks off!
  16. ​It wasn't meant as a rebuke. I share your pain, but couldn't be arsed typing it all out again. Dennis Waterman is a cunt.
  17. http://cuntscorner.com/index.php?/forums/topic/44630-fifty-year-old-constables/
  18. Pope Benedict was a cunt. I can keep this up all day...
  19. ​I've met him too - and he's not as big as he thinks he is. If it wasn't for that muppet fucking hair he'd be borderline dwarf.
  20. ​See you down the Blaenavon Miners' Welfare?
  21. Cirque du Soleil are cunts!
  22. The leader of the Monster Raving Loony Party was lamenting the fact yesterday, in all seriousness, that they appeared to be losing votes to UKIP. At least, I think he was being serious - it's hard to tell.
  23. "Stephen Hawking" was briefly an actual member on the old site. (If he didn't nominate John Preskill, he fucking well should have. Lucky guess, Preskill, you cunt!) Anyway, with a 200+ IQ I'm sure he can stand up for himself. Er, wait...
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