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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Cuntybaws

    Karen Danczuk

    Pictures, or it didn't happen. PS I see she is/was a "Cllr", which I presume is some kind of urban slang for cocksucker?
  2. Indeed, and if anyone still harbours any doubts then just imagine this bouffant-tressed abomination at the point of orgasm. It would sound like a cat having its testicles beaten to a fine powder by a banjo-wielding maniac, while a family of wolverines drag their claws down a blackboard.
  3. Gravity is not her friend. Nor is daylight.
  4. Never mind, it won't be long before those same fucktards' ashes are being scattered in the centre circle.
  5. Shrill, dessicated, cackling cunt. She had the worst pair of tits on the planet 40 years ago, so fuck knows what they're like now. A national treasure apparently, but so is Stinking Bishop.
  6. Cuntybaws

    Comic Con

    It's not all bad... ... although I'm surprised there isn't a lake of premature ejaculate at their feet.
  7. Consigned to his own box of flids. Quelle horreur!
  8. Families can be cunts. Hardly breaking news, I know. Nice to have you back anyway.
  9. How, though, are we meant to distinguish between the deserving poor and the sort of pond life that goes on the Jeremy Kyle show? Is there some sort of formula that takes into account IQ and the percentage of facial area which is tattooed? A golden ratio of number of illegitimate v legitimate children corrected for number of different fathers? It's a conundrum, and given the lack of any approved methodology surely the only valid approach is to kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out.
  10. When I first met Mrs Baws she said she could never go out with a man who didn't have a 9" cock. I told her there was no fucking way I was cutting 4" off mine just to meet her expectations. Procrustes was a cunt!
  11. How do you get three poofs on a barstool...?
  12. Hey Wiz, where the fuck have you been? I like a curry that combines flavour and heat. If your local can't take a Goan chicken tikka balti and make it phaal hot, take your business elsewhere.
  13. Cuntybaws

    Comic Con

    Eidetic memory. It's my blessing and my curse!
  14. I know it's natural and they can't help it, but the Ferengi-looking cunts give me the dry boak!
  15. Cuntybaws

    Comic Con

    For fuck's sake, do I have to keep track of everything round here myself? http://cuntscorner.com/index.php?/forums/topic/50156-getting-banned-from-comic-con/
  16. Blimey, Frank, when was the last time you were fully blown?
  17. Cuntybaws

    The Heatwave

    Think Albert Steptoe on a mobility scooter and you're in the right ballpark.
  18. Cuntybaws

    The Heatwave

    No, not banned. Mrs Roops made it perfectly clear that if I continued to comment on here via Tor I would feel the full force of her wrath, so I can now only post when I'm away from home and using public wifi. (I'm risking my very existence just posting this reply! ) I'm watching you cunts, though, and I've got a week away coming up in mid-July when a whole month of pent up invective will be unleashed.
  19. Just had a couple of Negra Modelos (the proper Mexican import, not some brewed-in-Romford shite.) I doubt I'll eat before tonight; something deep fried around midnight, probably.
  20. Fucks given = none But, what's the thinking behind this?
  21. "Can we bring yesterday back around, 'Cos I know how I feel about you now. I was dumb, I was wrong, I let you down, But I know how I feel about you now."
  22. I'd have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling flids!
  23. I don't know. Statistically speaking it is highly likely that the new cunt will indeed be a weapons grade bellend, but this particular comment seemed OK.
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