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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. It's just fucking semantics for soft-minded liberals. "High density floor confinement" doesn't sound nearly so good. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2508173/16-000-free-range-chickens-crammed-shed-NEVER-daylight.html
  2. Michael Jackson. Fucking white cunt! I'm no Eric Hobsbawm, but I'm fairly sure the whole PIE thing and its celebrity/politician advocates pre-dated Uncle Idi's mass expulsion. I don't think a few bus drivers from the West Indies were a major factor either.
  3. ...and certainly not driving a Nissan Micra, or a Vauxhall Agila, or the stunningly-misnamed Suzuki Swift. The hearse that takes them on their final journey will be a damn sight fucking faster.
  4. Those are important questions to ask if you want to ensure your Chicken Supreme comes with a liberal dollop of Chef's Special Sauce!
  5. If he'd just been man enough to admit his real problem was a hamster up the arse he could have been sorted out and on his way in no time. In fairness, it was probably hard to enunciate through a gimp mask with the orange still in his mouth.
  6. Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough! It isn't fit for humans now,
  7. Better not repeat it, mind, as today is National No Fucking Racism Day.
  8. Meet Brian Taylor, on the right - not the slimmest, best dressed, or most eloquent member of the BBC Scotland news team. I cringe every time he comes on the "proper" telly. I'd still rather shag him than Jackie Bird, though!
  9. I reckon it might be because my post quoted another post which contained the forbidden "P" word, but now that's been deleted it makes it look as though it's ME who's the big racist!
  10. On the plus side, it appears that actual talent and ability is no longer required for the role. This is good news for the several million earnest teenagers who have run up vast student debts to pursue a degree in Media Studies.
  11. The picture I posted is from the BBC News site. That same article describes how Barnardos alerted the authorities to this case in 2008, but nothing was done.
  12. Cuntybaws

    Flock Stars

    I'm not sure a program about vomit has got quite the same mass market, lowest common denominator appeal as "Celebrity Snail Trail", but I'll see what the CBeebies Commissioning Editor thinks of your idea...
  13. Cuntybaws

    Flock Stars

    I've sent off this suggestion to the Head of Light Entertainment. I'll be keeping all the royalties for myself, of course, but if it gets any traction I'll make sure they send you Vanessa Feltz's sample as a souvenir.
  14. Is there any fucking town left in this entire septic isle that isn't infested with these fucking cunts? What's REALLY pissing me about all this, though, is why there were none of these loose slags around when I was a frustrated teen.
  15. And then, for no apparent reason they come out from behind their desks and stand in front of a screen wall (with all the joins between the panels showing) so they can read out some tweets from sub-literate fucking vermin, hashtags and all. I've even heard them read out the occasional "LOL", the cunts! Orla fucking Guerin. Well, there goes MY hard-on!
  16. Cuntybaws

    BBC News

    Why the fuck is President Obama's visit to Kenya a TEN FUCKING MINUTE lead story on the BBC News At One today? I thought the first "B" stood for "British". (Unless they've changed the acronym so that it now officially means Big Black Cock!) Oh, and while I'm on the subject, why don't the cunts smarten up a bit and stop saying "OK" and thanking each other every 2 fucking minutes? It's little fucking wonder we don't have a fucking Empire any more.
  17. Cuntybaws

    Flock Stars

    Shame Rolf Harris is banged up. That sheep-shagging shackle-dragging cunt would've walked this!
  18. Cuntybaws

    James McClean

    They made you go in goals at school, didn't they?
  19. No, Deebom's right. The cellar is solely for impregnating kidnapped teens. The attic is for the resultant inbred offspring.
  20. I met Peter Crouch once, and I've seen tagliatelle with more structural integrity. I swear that cunt only exists in two dimensions. Furthermore, as far as I'm aware, he knows sweet fuck all about internal combustion engines.
  21. That's GOT to be a euphemism?
  22. Everything I tell you is a lie.
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