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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Not sure whether this cunt is going for Michael Jackson or Freddy Krueger.
  2. Cuntybaws

    Kevin Bacon

    "Kevin". That's all the information I need - he's a cunt.
  3. Super Gonorrhoea - and here I thought Hawkeye was the worst Avenger ever.
  4. Cuntybaws

    Tom Watson

    The very thought of Corbyn's little micro-choad spunking futilely into the human equivalent of the Grand Canyon is giving me the dry boak.
  5. You're all southern Jessie gay boy cunts to me. Nothing personal, that's just the way it is. PS Before anyone starts I don't particularly like haggis or whisky, but a deep-fried Mars Bar washed down with Irn Bru does hit the spot quite nicely. Stereotypes are cunts!
  6. Fucking Arse Biscuits! Re the Angels, I'd have fucked them all, and I don't care if they're puppets.
  7. What name would you have suggested for the 5th one then to keep the musical "y" theme going? I don't think "Jazzy" quite cuts the mustard. Also, why does SIG mean something, but FAB doesn't?
  8. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. Besides, I'm in Admin's bad books already today, and the eugenics undertones of T.H.R.U.S.H could easily see me on a 2-day sabbatical if things spiral downhill from there. On a semi-related note, though, in the original pilot it was called W.A.S.P, not T.H.R.U.S.H.
  9. Cuntybaws

    Tom Watson

    Ooops, sorry. It's a well-known internet meme, and more politically and grammatically correct than the stuff Manila repeatedly got away with. Anyway, it won't happen again.
  10. Cuntybaws

    Walter Palmer

    That beautiful moment where the cunt realises that the lion is between him and his gun!
  11. Cuntybaws

    Elton Vs Putin

    What a total fucking dildo! To avoid further misunderstanding he should have his next gay rights conversation with a world leader face-to-face - preferably in North Korea.
  12. Strictly (i.e. accurately) speaking, that's a googol, not a google. The word was coined by a 9-year old who was asked to think of a name for a really big number. Lucky they didn't come up with "cuntload". (It can't have been a Scottish kid.)
  13. Cuntybaws

    Tom Watson

    That Shadow front bench looks like the queue in a soup kitchen. I thought they were meant to be anti-austerity? Splash out on a fucking wash and some decent clothes, you scruffy fucking cunts!
  14. "You're the queen of the superficial"
  15. Cuntybaws

    Kye Fortune

    If it moves, fuck it. If it doesn't move, fuck it anyway - it might just be sleeping.
  16. Cuntybaws

    Kye Fortune

    What's the difference between a lentil and a chickpea? You wouldn't pay £200 to have a lentil on your face.
  17. Cuntybaws

    Kye Fortune

    I'd fuck her. Him. Her. Whatever...
  18. "When I use a word it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more more less."
  19. One of my favourite film moments is when Renton shoots the skinhead's dog in the baws. Poetic justice, junkie style. Sorry about the subtitles...
  20. Cuntybaws

    Elton Vs Putin

    What's the difference between three cocks and a joke? Elton can't take a joke.
  21. Cuntybaws

    Elton Vs Putin

    I bet he's the sort of cunt who would fuck a man in the arse and not even have the common courtesy to give him a reach-around.
  22. Say what you like about the ethnicity of rape gangs, but when it comes to the mass slaughter of prostitutes and/or sleepy hamlets you can't beat a white man with an inferiority complex.
  23. I wondered about the HMDS reference earlier. It's not often silazanes crop up on here.
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