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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Well, Spunky, I see this nomination has gone down like a bout of explosive diarrhoea in the International Space Station. A shame, really, because there weren't too many bigger cunts around than old Sir Peter. Google presents this delightful headline which I thought I'd share with you. "Queen's Gay Composer Opens Up".
  2. If we're going off topic, this reminds of a somewhat-politically-incorrect restaurant I came across in Malta. They might have the George Cross, but they're cunts nonetheless.
  3. Tucked away at the very bottom of the article now is a belated admission of the blindingly obvious i.e. that the whole wedding at St Paul's was a fake staged entirely by actors. I wonder who paid all those actors? Anyone who watches Top Gear is being taken for a muggy cunt by the ginger fuckwit and his BBC cronies.
  4. Voyager II launched in 1977 with less computing power than an iPhone, and it still managed to make it to Neptune. Try that in a fucking BMW!
  5. Matt Le Blanc being dismembered live on air by the oily, naked, chainsaw-wielding cast of America's Next Top Model ticks all my boxes!
  6. Maybe Bill's a g-g-g-ghost! Scooby!
  7. Don't worry about me, Ding, I've got more lives than Captain fucking Scarlet. (Albeit that's still less IDs than Frank.)
  8. Homes in on operative phrase. You wear a lanyard? A fucking lanyard? Tell me, have they implanted an RFID chip too, or insisted on a small and discrete tattoo? Or is the pink star on your lanyard enough for now?
  9. When Glasgow opened its first Starbucks, a little piece of me died inside.
  10. Rather sloppy seconds, though.
  11. Now I'm going to have to go and have a wank thinking about T'Pol in the oily radiation shower. Cheers Ape!
  12. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt.
  13. That's funny, I didn't see it as incendiary at all. It's a simple statement of fact, hence the bell curve. If anyone took it as a personal slight that would be most ironic. That said, most of the reaction appears to be to the poster rather than the post and a response to past sins, real or imagined. The continued references to “boys” and “punters” probably doesn't help. Whether habitual or calculated, it comes across as a provocation. In conclusion, Meldonium is a cunt and it would be a lot funnier if the stupid Russian bitch had ingested Mendelevium by mistake instead.
  14. Less of the plant pot, more of the plant food. Northern vermin. Or as the Jocks call them, Southern vermin.
  15. It's a bell end curve. You decide.
  16. Nicely? I don't even ask if she's awake. I find that decreases the chances of my amorous advances being knocked back.
  17. Perhaps this diagram will help? Those of us who occupy the rightmost 0.1% can work out the offset correction to the standard deviation required by the self-selecting nature of the site, while ProfB and the others at the left-hand side can admire the pretty colours. Everybody wins.
  18. I see both of the Wachowski brothers who directed The Matrix are now Wachowski sisters. Fucking weirdos!
  19. Cuntybaws

    Sofa art

    Have you perhaps come across these works by British artist Jordan McKenzie, from his "Spent" exhibition? Let's just say they're seminal pieces.
  20. These chin stroking cunts keep popping up on picket lines to deliver their woeful, self-composed ditties in support of the junior doctors' strikes. There should be a special place in hell in particular for the long-haired Brony-looking cunt in the middle who jerks about hand-jiving like a spastic on a hot plate. Ebola is too good for these cunts.
  21. Old cunt dies, aged 90 - shock fucking horror. Cue mass outpourings of crocodile tears on social media. And here I thought Pete Best was the "Fifth Beatle". Or maybe Stu Sutcliffe. Certainly not Yoko, though. Oh well, at least he wasn't a poof.
  22. I don't mind taking the occasional trip up Chocolate Boulevard when the wife asks me nicely, but there's sodomy and then there's just plain fucking weird. Sound the Munchausen klaxon.
  23. What's that you say, Manky? Manchester United - who play at Old Trafford - aren't really from Manchester at all? I wonder if anyone has ever drawn their attention to this. Bobby Charlton is a cunt.
  24. Not the worst thing you might find on a beach. Fucking whales - not as smart as they think they are!
  25. I just tried to Google the infamous Led Zeppelin incident. A word of advice - don't use the search phrase "fish in cunt" while you're in image mode!
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