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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. That's good to know, because I took a bit of an instant dislike to that particular cunt. I'm sure you and I will get along like a house on fire. Mick Philpott's a cunt.
  2. I thought that much was obvious. Irony, leavened with a twist of satire, a dash of mordancy, and perhaps even a whiff of sardonicism.
  3. "The only thing I know is that I know nothing" - AKA the Socratic paradox. Mind you, as has been said so many times before, Greeks are cunts.
  4. The Manila ID was logged in just before LittleBellEnd here yesterday. Mind you, so was Frank. And Bubbles is logged in even as I type, but hasn't posted since Feb 6th. Go figure.
  5. Mrs Baws only has two brain cells but - as far as I can tell - she uses just one of them when driving.
  6. Come on Manila, give us a comment!
  7. All the above is perfectly true, but it's still better than Hofmeister ever was. It hopefully goes without saying but for the avoidance of doubt, Paul Hogan is a fucking cunt.
  8. Send the girls to my study for some remedial French.
  9. Somehow currency trading seems too much like gambling to me, relying more on relative strengths than anything fundamental. That said, I'll happily hedge occasionally with various derivative formats, or sell short when needs must. There was a killing to be made shorting airline stocks on September 10th, 2001. Le Chiffre was a cunt.
  10. Sticking with the recent golfing theme, it's a definite hole in one.
  11. Shares in A G Barr took a bit of a cunting, though. They'll have to start putting more girders in the Irn Bru and less sugar. Luckily all my holdings in armaments companies and bioengineering firms that do animal experiments and use stem cells from aborted babies are through the roof. Fuck poor people!
  12. I don't know if you deliberately typed "no-holes barred" rather than "no holds barred" but an excellent piece of work either way, Snatch.
  13. Firemen of whatever hue have been on my shit list ever since I first watched "London's Burning" and realised that they were putting it out rather than pouring on something flammable.
  14. It'd be a cunt if it got there and realised it had forgotten something and had to come back for it.
  15. I think you may be in a wormhole, scroty old chum. Or in some other kind of hole unknown to astronomers but perhaps more familiar to proctologists.
  16. Having already reached the edge of the solar system in just 40-odd years, Voyager 1 would take another 76,000 years to reach the nearest star to the Sun, Proxima Centauri. If it was pointing in the right direction Which it isn't.
  17. "We are 12 billion light years from the edge." More like 14 but that didn't scan, I guess.
  18. Cuntybaws

    Steve Allen.

    I wish I could, but I don't know myself yet. It may still be years off. So many times I've started to draft it but never seems to come out quite right - and this is one cunting that deserves - nay demands - to be perfect.
  19. That's not what you said when we were cuddling last night!
  20. I've given you ALL a "like". Now, fuck off.
  21. Cuntybaws

    Steve Allen.

    Chris Moyles first brought me here all those many years ago. One day I'll finally get round to posting an evisceration so devastating that the very universe itself will tremble and horses will indulge in acts of cannibalism - but I'm not ready yet. Be afraid though, Moyles, you vile fucking cunt!
  22. I really fucking hate Lizo Mzimba, but that's purely because he's a talentless jerky Brummy cunt. Any resemblance to Lenny Henry is purely coincidental.
  23. It's Not News, It's Fark: How Mass Media Tries to Pass Off Crap As News
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