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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Your head's been hanging on my wall for the best part of a day now, but the message obviously hasn't reached your pea brain yet. There's a reason so many people tell you "you're rubbish" - have you guessed what it is yet? PS You don't actually know what mercurial means, do you?
  2. Ooh, call the burns ward! I've had creepy stalkers follow me from thread to thread before when they couldn't get the last word, and even their material was better than that. Have fun sharing the shallow end of the gene pool with Cuntwad and Patroller.
  3. “I'm not going to waste anymore time arguing with you” - lol “Have the last word if you want” - lol “I won't bother reading it“ - lol “Grow up” - lol, lol.
  4. It started out as a feeling Which then grew into a hope. Which then turned into a quiet thought, which then turned into a quiet word. And then that word grew louder and louder, 'til it was a battle cry: "You're going to get your fucking heads kicked in!” Great football chants of our time # 37 Fear not Luke, unlike the knuckle-dragging followers of the team formerly known as Rangers, I will do walking away. In the immortal words of evil lesbian vampire Willow, "Bored now."
  5. By the way, I couldn't give a shit about having the last word - as you yourself pointed out, I don't normally lower myself to arguing with dullards. However, since it seems to annoy you so much, I believe I can keep it up for a while yet.
  6. And there it is, right there, the inferiority complex of the local government junior manager laid bare in all its shameful inadequacy. Since your limited intellect only seems to be able to handle references from popular rather than classical sources, I believe an apposite phrase might be “Bazinga”.
  7. It's quite a warm yellow, to be fair, but if it's not your taste you can always go for authentic period red on the feature wall.
  8. Fucking hell, you're omniscient now as well as as infallible? You've made a cunt of yourself before, but this is a new low. I think I liked you better when you were pissed. If this is the best you can come up with after a whole morning stewing you might as well flounce off now. Physician, heal thyself.
  9. And this, children, is the true meaning of Easter.
  10. Whereas you, on the other hand, are seldom far away from one. You'd think you'd be better at them given all that practice. I say again, re-read this in the morning. Goaded by an avatar change by Ding YOU referenced the Brighton bombing and I called you on it. It wasn't even on the Ireland thread, it was on "Cunting Corner". And it was you who then continued and escalated the argument at every turn, going so far as to put imaginary racist quotes in my mouth. You're making yourself look like a total cunt here, and I don't mean that in a kind way.
  11. Think back carefully, Decs, what did I say about misattribution earlier? I know where you live, so perhaps you'd better start checking under your car for Semtex every morning, and see how you like it.
  12. Luckily my parents were not at all religious, so the only Kirk I paid any attention to was James Tiberius. I know a lot of Irish people, Northern & Southern, and I like most of them well enough. What I don't like are terrorist apologists (mostly, but not exclusively, Catholics in my experience), people who believe in really stupid religions (sorry, Catholics again), and cunts who choose to live in a country while doing it down rather than emigrating to the supposed Shangri La they espouse. In the morning when/if you're sober enough to handle basic logic, I want you to go through all of my posts today and write down on a piece of A4 paper anything you take specific exception to, or which you'd like me to explain further. Then take that piece of paper, fold it 7 times until it's all sharp corners, and ram the fucking thing right up your arse.
  13. My prejudice? MY fucking prejudice? One of us is reading things incorrectly here, and I'm pretty fucking sure it isn't me. Scottish by birth, fucked off sharpish at the first opportunity by choice. The Central belt is full of bigoted cunts, no argument there. I stood many times on the terraces as my team faced both Rangers and Celtic and I listened as two different sets of retarded bigots sang about otherwise long forgotten battles that no sane person gives a fuck about. Of the two, though, it was the Celtic fans who really plumbed the depths, chanting support for the IRA even as the bombs were going off and children – their supposed countrymen – were dying. In the end it's quite simple. I hate them because I know them. Oh, and don't put words in my mouth. Misattribution is the last refuge of the incompetent. I've probably lived in England as long as you have, and I was in London throughout the mainland bombing campaign. I can speak for myself, you petulant cunt.
  14. How disappointing. Scratch the Norfolk arriviste and lo and behold, a spud thick mick with a chip on his shoulder. (No potato-related pun intended.) You presume a lot on my behalf, despite my hatred of the bigoted Orange cunts being well recorded. As for “Most English people do not care”, I think you'll find they remember Birmingham, Warrington, Hyde Park and Canary Wharf, to name but a few, a lot better than you obviously do. One man's freedom fighter is my piece of shit terrorist.
  15. You're on fire tonight Ape. Punkape seems to be your muse.
  16. Come the glorious day you're welcome to exchange them for the tricolour-brandishing scum that go to Celtic Park. That particular bunch of subhuman benefit dependents should provide a much needed injection of genetic diversity for the Pope's battalions; and they already know all the words to your songs.
  17. I think the great philosopher Jake Burns expressed it best in his magnum opus, "White Noise". "Round 'em up in Ulster, tow it out and sink it."
  18. Cuntybaws

    Cunting Corner

    Just checking, but has strong drink perhaps been taken during today's celebrations of the birth of a rather shit nation? Only I'd hate to waste my time arguing with someone who's not firing on all cylinders.
  19. Cuntybaws

    Cunting Corner

    Not my flag, country, or queen. Where I went to school, they taught me to spell oppression.
  20. You forgot the "lol". Has Punkape been one of your IDs all along then?
  21. Cuntybaws

    Cunting Corner

    Why not go all out and make it Warrington? Or Omagh. "God save Ireland"? Dead kids say fuck your God and fuck your Ireland.
  22. Give Norfolk back to the plankton.
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