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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Not strictly true I'm afraid. It's yet another pun based dig at Ding's penchant for multi-quoting. Geddit? It almost makes you nostalgic for the Sage, eh?
  2. Don't vex me, fuckwit. It won't end well for you.
  3. I had, and still have, every sympathy for the poor cunts who actually died. You know, the ones who turned up on time to support their team, relatively sober, with tickets, many of them with kids. It's the poisonous, thieving, bin-dipping cunts pushing in at the back that should be on trial. They pissed on their own dead too - The Sun said so. I know I would have, had I been there, but I didn't have a ticket so I didn't go. On a semi-related note, I wonder what it's called when Scousers kill other Scousers? Permicide?
  4. OK, it IS the worst nomination you've ever made. Honestly, some cunts just can't take a compliment.
  5. If I chanced upon you wearing a colostomy bag I would naturally assume that you were so full of shit that someone had kicked some of it out of you as an act of mercy. That aside, it's not the worst nomination you've ever made.
  6. More of a lamb tikka balti man, vindaloo hot Ironically, the Pope gets more mentions at Ibrox than at Parkhead - not all of them complimentary, if you can believe that? I have never revealed my own footballing allegiance on here, and I never will, having seen others fall into that trap over the years. You can rest assured it isn't either of the bigoted cunt farms from Glasgow, though.
  7. List those rules for me if you will, Decs, so I don't accidentally fall foul of them while lamenting the passing of the golden age that had no place for papist meanderings, and every second post was about footballers being gay. On second thoughts, plus ca change...
  8. Cuntybaws

    Lost Love

    What you actually needed there, Ding, to accentuate the exact size of the gap was a nice, contextual multi quote. Oh yes, and a lot less fucking exclamation marks. Less is more, as Mrs Baws often remarks on my birthday.
  9. Cuntybaws

    Breast Ironing

    I have a strange fascination for Michonne from The Walking Dead. Saying that, beside Mrs Baws even the zombies look good.
  10. I've always seen him as more of a Madagascan fossa encased in a web of fire-damaged scrotums. Either way, there was definitely some sort of "obscure ugly animal crossed with unsightly genitals" vibe going on there.
  11. Cuntybaws

    Tepco Cunts!

    Nobody was worried about the odd Becquerel or two back in 1946. What's the fucking problem with a few three-eyed fish now?
  12. Cuntybaws

    Breast Ironing

    You wouldn't say that if some cunt shot you in the head for having the temerity to be able to read. If you think that's far fetched just look at the poor cunt in Glasgow who was shot dead recently by a "fellow Muslim" for, among other things, wishing his customers a happy Easter.
  13. Seriously? Well played everyone on the "just ignore this shit" front, that's some commendable laissez faire there. Not.
  14. I never had you down as a Hibs fan, Quincy, but it's good enough for Francis Begbie so you just suck as many cocks as you like and to fuck with what other people think.
  15. Cuntybaws

    Elton john

    I suspect that Angrykokk's genetic line can be traced back to a dirty snowball from the Oort Cloud, mutated by a few billion years exposure to extreme gamma radiation. Fred Hoyle was a cunt.
  16. Cuntybaws

    Breast Ironing

    There's Africa and then there's Africa. The ugliest fucking creatures on God's green earth, bar none, are Tunisian women. I've seen more shaggable tapeworms than these fat-arsed, hook-nosed, mono browed Arab / walrus hybrids. On the other hand, some of the most beautiful and exotic women on the planet hail from Somalia and Ethiopia. A lot of those Ethiopian cunts don't need any breast ironing either; you could play the Flight of the Bumblebee xylophone-style on their ribs with your cock as foreplay.
  17. It felt so wrong, it felt so right.
  18. On which note, the following - believe it or not - is the highest scoring Sickipedia joke ever: Man in Library : I'd like to borrow a book on suicide, please. Librarian : Fuck off, you won't bring it back!
  19. Maybe stick to jokes from the "library" and "horse" series for a while, just to be on the safe side.
  20. Mike, you blithering idiot, you've just fucked the whole thread with that one. Once you go Jew, Admin turns blue!
  21. Cuntybaws


    Keep that sort of Pooh-related shit for the Sickipedia thread, you filthy fucking pervert!
  22. I see the Maddie jokes aren't going down too well (so to speak). Luckily there's a whole host of humorous japes about blacks if you need to change the subject. Surely that couldn't be controversial?
  23. There used to be a jolly fucking cunt on the old site whose avatar was Adolf wearing a set of bunny ears, but then he got married and fucked off and left me all alone in charge of the bark stripper. You're not still in the huff because they lost all your Voevod posts 5 minutes after you finally got them back, surely?
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