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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Hairy growler, huge grotesque feet, speaks in a mellifluous yet consonant-rich language no-one else understands? Fuck me, it finally makes sense - she's a hobbit.
  2. Cuntybaws

    google ads

    I owe you a like for this one - I know how much they mean to you. I'm either out for the day now, or more likely my DNS and/or cookies are fucking up. I can only get the Corner up using Opera Turbo at present, so I guess it's time to flush everything.
  3. You may mock, but the cunt will get subsidised entry to Seaworld Orlando for life. Those careers officers knew exactly what they were playing at.
  4. Cuntybaws

    google ads

    You'd fuck the nanny though, surely, ladyboy or not? This sprog was in the news this week - its name is Hong Hong (as opposed to Ting Tong) and it's got thirty one fingers and toes. As prime numbers go, that's definitely not NFN.
  5. This thread has now exceeded 100 comments, and as Mrs Roops is getting paid £200,000 per comment she is now worth £20m and is therefore quite simply not a cunt.
  6. Cuntybaws

    google ads

    His kid's fucking gorgeous though, bless.
  7. Not unlike the Xmas nominations you can set your watch by... http://www.cuntscorner.com/index.php?/forums/topic/57541-the-invictus-games/
  8. Remember when (sorry, Decs) we fought the great Cuntwad war of 2013/4 and we thought we were the good guys, but everyone else got bored of the whole sorry saga and thought we were cunts? It's sort of like that.
  9. Class analogy! My youngest brat has one of those little Roborovski cunts - is this the one?
  10. Now be fair, Bill, it may only have been a month ago but it was somewhat-misleadingly titled "Money spunking cunt", and despite running to 4 pages very few of the comments were actually about the EU referendum.
  11. "I wipe my ass with your feelings."
  12. There's some dialogue from the Sopranos that seems relevant. (I've taken some liberties with the names.) Baws: Hey, Decs. You remember your first blowjob? Decs: Oh, yeah. Baws: How long did it take for the guy to come?
  13. Cuntybaws

    Sweating Slags

    Be careful what you wish for.
  14. A pint of this worked wonders for Marc Almond by all accounts.
  15. Much like Heathrow jets.
  16. Luckily, in best Margaritaville fashion, it's always 10pm somewhere.
  17. They play too fast, they play out of tune, They practise in the singer's bedroom, The drum's quite good, the bass is too loud, And I... can't hear... the words...
  18. According to Boyle it won't be called "Porno" because you can't Google that at work. Challenge accepted!
  19. "Choose Life". You know the rest of the speech...
  20. As I recall, every schoolgirl looked like this in Scotland in the eighties. Fellatio was the last thing on anyone's mind, especially after watching one of them demolish a deep-fried haggis supper.
  21. If it's a mindfuck you're after, Jacko's from Cambuslang.
  22. The rotting corpse of Jade Goody has a better claim for an award for "services to television". At least she made me laugh once, when she died.
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