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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Tin Soldiers, SLF were fucking class.
  2. Multilingual puns - definitely a step in the right direction. Now, express it in the form of a haiku.
  3. And now for the coup de grace...
  4. No, I think Bill's onto something, although the kangaroo is perhaps not quite the right marsupial for the job. A rabid koala bear with a taste for testicles would get my vote.
  5. I found a picture of Punkape's staff badge online. (It would be more accurate if he'd selected a picture of a raspberry.)
  6. Cuntybaws

    thieving cunts

    I'll be awfully surprised if there's anything normal about Judge's bollocks!
  7. If it wasn't for blokes like this, that wouldn't be a worry. "My country, right or wrong. I vas only following ze orders."
  8. If you want me to flip your turtle, just ask.
  9. Cuntybaws

    thieving cunts

    There was a temporary glitch in the matrix, which Jacko for one took full advantage of. I vaguely recall experimenting to verify it. Either that or it was a Darkseid artefact. The omnicidal maniac threw a few likes my way at one point to keep Patroller off the scent.
  10. This brings to mind the scene in Bladerunner where the Voight-Kampff test is used on the replicants to ascertain whether they are, indeed, replicants. At least one of the participants in this exchange is almost certainly an early Nexus 6 prototype.
  11. Pull my finger!
  12. I think you mean "incredibility"?
  13. Yes, best to play safe after the incident with the giant duty free Toblerone bars. And those cunts in A&E thought they'd seen everything...
  14. Peaky fucking blinders!
  15. Not yet, you're not, given kick off has been delayed after the Cuntchester coach was attacked en route to the ground. It's just a shame the cunts didn't have petrol bombs - I'd pay good money to watch Wayne Rooney do a Michael Jackson moonwalk with his fake hair on fire.
  16. Cuntybaws

    Eton Mess

    Or "rattle shitting tit"...?
  17. As has been pointed out before, this isn't the Oxford Union Debating Society. If we have to justify everything, it's going to get very boring, and very sparse, very fast. Unless the justification of "Because I say so, and I am so jolly clever that any counterargument is obviously moot" applies?
  18. And ticket free access to FA cup semi-finals?
  19. He brought it on himself when he accused Mrs Baws of being bulimic. Propriety aside, he is very well aware that a good Scot never throws away anything they've paid for.
  20. Taking the context into account, there's a case, albeit a thin one, for "spigot" being le mot juste. (Or should that be le mot propre - fuck, now I'm going to obsess about that tenuous distinction all afternoon.)
  21. I've felt bad all morning about this, and would like to apologise to Frank for jumping on this cheap bandwagon. The poor cunt faces enough unwarranted scorn every day as it is, what with having to walk down the street with his ugly, ugly child.
  22. Wickes kitchens have their place for the family on a budget with a more, shall we say, bijou residence. You know, the sort of place where there's no room to site a decent side-by-side fridge freezer with an ice maker. I believe they also do a budget bathroom range, so the sort of customer who lives in a tenement with shared bathroom facilities can always go the whole hog and actually install a toilet in the kitchen to avoid having to shit in an oversized bin when caught short after drinking a crate of £10 a bottle rosé.
  23. If she begs to have her ring destroyed we'll have the final proof.
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