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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Embed a fucking link then, you bone idle computer illiterate cunt. Why do I have to do everything around here?
  2. Let me know which one and I'll see if I can't soften them up for you. And by "soften them up" I mean "reduce every last bone in their body to a fine crystalline powder".
  3. Shame this was just a VW and not something articulated with fourteen more wheels.
  4. No, that's fire over the Quatro. It would run right off that leather jacket.
  5. That's a Canada goose. Plastic fucking Frenchies!
  6. Mount Gay Black Barrel. Goes down a treat. Fnaar.
  7. Lazy fucking writing, though. I suppose "Hannibal the Vegetarian" was too much of a challenge for the mind that hatched the dire "Black Sunday".
  8. Did you get them to put in an artificial lens while they were poking about in there anyway? Technically that would make you bionic. Get your vag upgraded and you can join the Borg collective. Seven of Sixty-Nine.
  9. I found it particularly ironic, my lord, because I've got a thingy that's shaped like a turnip.
  10. This lack of preparation is an entirely predictable consequence of letting gays into the Boy Scouts.
  11. You did rather telegraph that one. I'll get my didgeridoo...
  12. I'm withholding my opinion until Carol Vorderman explains the impact of the respective options on the price of Red Krill capsules. Although I might be swayed if Lorraine Kelly gets in quick with some facts on the implications for VAT on plus-sized clothes for the older lady with no sense of shame.
  13. Oh, I see, if you don't use tampons! I've misinterpreted the original post. For a moment there my subconscious was leading me to dark places.
  14. Just one apparently-unrelated question then if I may? Do you own a wire-haired terrier?
  15. If you don't use them? Just what in the actual fuck would someone use a large empty Toblerone tube for?
  16. Fatty, out of purely academic interest, how long are your own pubic hairs? Would 4 inches be a reasonable guess?
  17. Once again, Urban Dictionary goes the extra mile.
  18. Which part of LGBTQIAPK does this fall under? The poor cunts at the International Scrabble Foundation are struggling to keep up to date as it is.
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