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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. The Highway Code is full of pictures of road signs. Perhaps you could adopt one as your avatar? Maybe the little man digging a hole, or the warning about children crossing? Tufty was a cunt.
  2. Hands be damned, there are no bidets either to wash the old chap. Some toothless drunken slag has to suck that in the car park later.
  3. The favelos of Rio look like luxury mansions compared to the slums of Middlesbrough so I can see why they'd prefer to take their chances on the streets. Once global warming kicks in properly and Zika and Ebola become endemic around the Tees they'll all fuck off back to Albania and Somalia.
  4. I'm no weatherman, but I reckon she can expect a few inches tonight.
  5. Game, set, and shit-eating motherfucking match!
  6. Oh, oh, wait, I know this one, Is it... a boat?
  7. You wouldn't be the 1st. Probably not even the 101st.
  8. I see the only story you actually clicked on was "Sir Cliff: I was hung". Is there something you're not telling us?
  9. Thank heavens we can now say, freely and without fear, that Cliff Richard is definitely not a paedophile, or any other kind of sex offender. Likewise, neither is John McCririck. Or Justin Welby. Or Brian Blessed. Glad that's cleared up.
  10. Saw a chameleon today. So I guess it's safe to say it was a pretty shit chameleon.
  11. “Round 'em up, put 'em in a field and bomb the bastards!"
  12. Was this a sperm bank? Is Lloyd a faggot?
  13. Cuntybaws

    Fashion Beards

    This is one occasion when a smiley emoticon was not only allowable, it was actually mandatory. You've made yourself look like a big trans-shagging homosexual now!
  14. Yes, I've been forced onto some provincial EasyJet routes myself on occasions, but it's not the sort of thing a gentleman mentions in public. How's the back after 2 hours in the orange torture chair?
  15. Spunky was hoping you meant pearl necklaces.
  16. Frank, Frank, Frank, it doesn't matter how fucking quick it was, just listen to yourself man. "EasyJet" "Luton" "Speedy Boarding". Speedy fucking Boarding, for fuck's sake? You're supposed to be setting an example to the rank and file.
  17. I don't know why you're getting your panties in a bunch over this now, Dingers, the fucking Grauniad have been doing it since time immemorial. The lentil-munching cunts.
  18. Cuntybaws


    If you're lucky you might chance upon the holy grail of A-related porn - albino, amputee, anal, anorexic, auto-asphyxiation. Alliteration is a cunt.
  19. Cuntybaws


    No, but their chalky shite would put a 1970s poodle to shame.
  20. Bill, your chill pills seem to have worn off - and not before fucking time.
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