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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. The word you're looking for is "pyrrhic".
  2. Despite a universal panning from the critics, I loved "The Last Mimzy". I cried at the end - but only because the children didn't die.
  3. Fucking hell, I actually find myself agreeing with the new cunt for the second time in as many minutes. That's never happened before! I feel bad now about trying to trick him into adopting a butterfly pokemon as his avatar instead of a moth. (The antennae are the giveaway.)
  4. An excellent on-topic point, and an excellent username. So excellent, in fact, that you would think it would be easy to find a fucking avatar to match.
  5. No mugger would touch her wedding ring anyway - just think where those fingers have been!
  6. Spoilsport! Wasn't Frank's picture interesting, though? I shall put an end to all this oneupmanship and digital tomfoolery once and for all by posting a polaroid of my mighty penis. That'll soon put an end to this bragging shitfest. I hope everyone has got a super-widescreen mode on their tablets? I shall pose beside my Bugatti Veyron to provide a scale reference.
  7. Snatch, they can pop a cap in my ass any time. Word!
  8. Now, now, Frank. The videos were bad I'll grant you, and they might have seen off lesser men, but you've come back from worse.
  9. I'll split your infinitive, you cunt!
  10. Finland have been represented at beach volleyball by identical twins Emilia and Erika Nystrom. First you see double, then you go blind.
  11. Well if I'm being picky there's an apostrophe missing from "Labours history" in the first sentence, and personally speaking I'd have used a semicolon rather than a comma in the final sentence. It's still the proverbial stream of bat's piss in a dark cultural void, though.
  12. It doesn't work on intelligent rich people, presumably?
  13. Cuntybaws

    Meat Bin

    I don't remember that quote from the first series.
  14. I would imagine it tastes different. Perhaps Punkape can confirm?
  15. That largely depends on whether you're checking from behind a screen using surgical gloves, or whether you're blindfolded and going on taste alone.
  16. I've been through Walthamstow a few times, Never stopped there, though, it's a fucking shithole.
  17. Cuntybaws

    Meat Bin

    Hello, friend. Maybe I should give you a name?
  18. My first thought was that it was Mo fucking Farah. It sounds the sort of thing a Quorn-crazed immigrant might get up to. However, on reflection I seem to recall hearing that he's living it up in Rio at the moment, gentleman amateur that he is, so it probably wasn't him. That and, in all fairness, the fact that the fat fucking London plod wouldn't have been able to catch him, especially over 5000m.
  19. Indeed. Especially as it would be entirely your own fucking fault for having gay sperm in the first place.
  20. Cuntybaws

    Meat Bin

    Are you a 1 or a 0?
  21. Cuntybaws

    Eric The Hyena

    My advice to you there, Jigs, is just to burn your fucking money. You still won't have it, but neither will the Ladbrokes cunts. Hope this helps.
  22. Southerners start at Carlisle. (Not Calais, as some mistakenly believe.)
  23. Cuntybaws

    Eric The Hyena

    Hyenas? Fucking cunts the lot of them. I can't believe Disney got in trouble over them.
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