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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. They were at the Nuremberg rallies, mate. They were all whales.
  2. My terrapins are named Bernard Goetz, Tony Martin and George Zimmerman. What do you think?
  3. Cuntybaws


    There's a larger-than-life-statue of Swindon native Diana Dors outside the cinema. I'm afraid that says it all, really. Have you ever felt less like having a wank?
  4. Imagine my disappointment on being lured in here by a nomination title which promised a scathing criticism of the sequel to "Ice Road Truckers", only to find it's another toilet related pile of shit. I imagine Gyps will be along in a minute to say she's slept in worse.
  5. Apologies to both you and Bill, but I appear to have run out of likes. This doesn't happen very often - it usually either means that the Corner is going through a purple patch and my profligacy on like button is a sound barometer of its rude health; or that I'm off my fucking tits on something stronger than Super Lager.
  6. A poor man's Punkape? What a grisly concept.
  7. How did you even know this existed? Christ, and I thought I was fucked up!
  8. Have you been introduced to Fender yet? (He calls himself Thundercunt these days, but you'll know him when you see him.)
  9. Were you in the Debating Society at school, Bill? (They probably called it something less obviously embarrassing, of course, like TDS, or DebSoc, or The Gay Fucking No Mates Club.) These arguments you're advancing bear the resigned hallmark of someone who has just drawn the task of arguing for the motion “That Mrs Thatcher was the best thing that ever happened to the Trades Union movement.”
  10. I nominated Nazi Squirrels once. Just thought I'd mention that, in honour of Ratty's return.
  11. What the fuck's up with her slitty little eyes, and those fucking eyebrows? Is she a Vulcan? No wonder they only mate once every seven years!
  12. The dilemma doesn't arise in the first place if you kill the children first before turning the gun on yourself.
  13. Spunky, when you've finished dinner I suggest using your fish cutlery to open up your femoral artery, followed by a post-prandial dip off Cape Town or Perth. Oh, and one more thing - you're going to need a bigger knife.
  14. I can't believe it's nut butter!
  15. The first million's the hardest. Somehow I'm less bothered by seeing Richard Branson on his yacht than I am by seeing that oily tub of lard Philip Green swanning round the Med off the back of Eddie's pension contributions.
  16. I suggest you pass her your laptop and Corner login details immediately, Olly, she's obviously better at this than you are.
  17. This sounds like the faux-superior preening of a man who uses a Chromebook. Say it isn't so.
  18. I don't know what's worse. That this supposed “man of principle” is just a chancing cunt like the rest of them; or that the potential future head of our security services is too stupid to realise there is CCTV everywhere these days. What a dumb, bearded, red-or-dead, jew-hating fucking tramp. I'm led to understand he has a bicycle too – I bet the cunt wishes he'd used that instead of the train now.
  19. You've probably caught that new H7N8 bird flu from the unhygienic little yellow fucks. You'll be dead by morning.
  20. Cuntybaws

    Road works

    33% of ELP are dead now, only 66% to go. Sadly, due to rounding effects, 1% of them will live on forever.
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