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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Say what you like about Goebbels but that cunt could punctuate.
  2. His jaiket's on a shoogly peg, Quince.
  3. Ten posts in and no-one has mentioned Roops' scary yet. What a bunch of fucking amateurs.
  4. Bill called it "a niche nom for the connoisseur" and its undoubted originality in a sea of repeat fucking bollocks is to be applauded. I'm sure now though, with hindsight, he wishes he had died before posting it.
  5. I think he likes you, Dai, he hopes you go imminently rather than suffer several years of lung-hacking agony that even morphine won't dull.
  6. I always think of Gurt when I listen to my old "Cast of Thousands" album. "Give me insect eyes, insect brain, give me insect sex I'll be happy again." TV Smith - madman or genius?
  7. The original name was dregj. Whether it's the original cunt is a different question, although based on the limited evidence to date it very well might be, Still, could be worse, it might have been Rothers.
  8. More of a Bernard than a Sir Humphrey, then?
  9. Well, there's a name from the past. And an avatar to match.
  10. These days even the most impoverished of cunts can pilot a drone with a 4K UHD GoPro up to your bedroom window to satisfy their perverted lusts. Not that they'll see much fucking action through my bedroom window. Not when I'm in it, anyway.
  11. Fnaar, fnaar, you said "bot". Extra points too for doing so on a thread about mandated anal.
  12. Cuntybaws


    Where the fuck did you dig that up from? For a terrible moment I though it was a Jib Jab. I should have gone with a lame pun about stool pigeons instead.
  13. You appear to have foreshadowed the demise of your own subsequent post. How ironic.
  14. The funniest part is when they go blind and then - after struggling for a few years and finally mastering Braille with their desensitised fingers - the cunts die anyway.
  15. "Heaven would be just kicking back, with Jesus packing my bong."
  16. I had the misfortune to sit next to him at a "do" a few years back and he is a crass, obnoxious, sexist, gobshite boor. I'm fairly certain you would detest him.
  17. I mis-read this as "Teens with lube". Imagine how disappointed I feel now.
  18. Cuntybaws

    Fine dining

    You bucking maniac!
  19. I've been offline - have you done any untermensch jokes yet?
  20. Mull was astern, Rum on the port, Eigg on the starboard bow. Glory of youth glowed in his soul; Where is that glory now?
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