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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Cuntybaws

    Milton Friedman

    I've had just about enough of this limp word association football.
  2. Cuntybaws


    Have you seen the video of Helen Skelton sunbathing topless and oiled, aged just 17? Well worth dedicating a few minutes of your day to.
  3. I'm a big fan of semen-free cheeseburgers, which is why I avoid McDonalds.
  4. If I might respond with one one of my all-time favourite film quotes, from an epic grumble flick set in long ago Camelot, "Verily, thou mayest sucketh my cock."
  5. Cuntybaws

    Milton Friedman

    At last, actual evidence for Rupert Sheldrake's Theory of Formative Causation. Friedman once said, "A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither." I make him right on that one, if nothing else.
  6. Supporting evidence is provided by the fact that an image search for "Morgana Robinson naked" returns precisely zero pictures of her tits, not even faked ones. She must be a complete nonentity to be in such flagrant breach of Rule 34.
  7. Evening, Bubs. Take your red pill, and your blue pill, and shove them both up your arse.
  8. It's "Bucket o' Spastics" or "Box of Flids" - an important distinction in Frank's mind, if nowhere else.
  9. On a semi-related note, Dershowitz's latest book is entitled, "Electile Dysfunction: A Guide for the Unaroused Voter,”
  10. There used to be an Icke-loving conspiracy theorist on here named Jimmy Goat. You can look up "Judas Goat" for yourself.
  11. Cuntybaws

    Scary Clowns

    And this is an unfunny clown.
  12. Cuntybaws


    Surprising that you didn't consider the honey badger, aka the ratel. (Lemongrass, in case you were wondering.)
  13. Cuntybaws


    That video is right up there with Jesse Rae on the boundary-pushing front. I suspect there is a correlation between the bleakness and stark beauty of the landscape, and the batshit fucking crazy cunts that live there.
  14. That would certainly explain most of 20th century European history.
  15. Barclays share price Feb 23rd 2007; £7.90. Barclays share price Oct 14th 2016; £1.70. Here's some life skills advice for senior Barclays management - learn to fucking count, you black-hearted cunts.
  16. Gunther von Hagens. It just had to be a fucking German, didn't it?
  17. Simply invest in an ultraviolet marker pen and jot down a selection of your favourite abusive phrases on your notes. Then watch the suspicious cunts try not to react when their own technology instructs them to "Piss up a rope, fuckstick!"
  18. Cuntybaws

    Sunday roast

    Absolutely. Vindaloo straight from the fridge will wake you up nicely.
  19. Cuntybaws

    Sunday roast

    If you play your cards right and order some extra, it's Saturday and Sunday breakfast as well.
  20. You sound like the sort of chap who plays Precision Club. I hope I'm wrong.
  21. I once worked with a cunt who said "blinking" and - get this - "jeepers". It was like a nightmare cross between Moss from the IT Crowd and Scooby fucking Doo.
  22. What, Toyah Wilcox and Robert Fripp? Who knew? Or was that one of the Cardinal's?
  23. Indeed, 7's, your 2013 nomination about anal sex is still disturbingly fresh in my mind, especially the bit where you confessed you did it once "by accident".
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