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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Got to love the FedEx logo, though.
  2. Nibbled to death by an okapi... Nibbled to death by an okapi... Nibbled to death by an okapi...
  3. It sounds to me as if we're dealing with the sort of cunt who'd be most likely to pull it, although I suppose flicking it isn't entirely out of the question.
  4. Cuntybaws


    If I was Roops I'd have much better things to do with my typing fingers, and no fucking mistake!
  5. Cuntybaws


    If all the likes from my various IDs were added together the resulting 7000+ total would have taken some beating. That "Test" cunt could have sucked my fucking balls for a start.
  6. In the land of the cunts, the half-witted man is king. PS Anyone who reads that as "King of the Ding" is simply putting words in my mouth.
  7. This might surprise you but I've never watched it. I've never stuck needles in my eyes, or wired my testicles to a car battery either – where possible I try to avoid doing things that cause me pain or grief. With that proviso it sounds like the bastard lovechild of Terry and June and Love Thy Neighbour. Does it have any poofs in it?
  8. Are you saying that Ant & Dec are just putting it on, the cunts? I'll give them Byker fucking Grove!
  9. Did you know his kid was just diagnosed with cancer or was this analogy just a lucky guess?
  10. Cuntybaws


    I'm surprised by this nomination, as you sound like a big fan of Robin Cousins.
  11. The obvious solution is to bludgeon the cunt to death, cauterise the remains, and bury her under the patio, Then just kidnap another younger one.
  12. I think the plan is to sink the whole godforsaken island and rename the Irish Sea to something more accurate, like the West Sellafield Channel.
  13. I would like to think so. However, you’ve quoted two posts at once there which may be confusing me so, just to clarify, I do hope you’re not accusing me of “inciting anti-Semitism and glorifying nazism” by quoting a link to the motherfucking Guardian? On a semi-related note, have you applied for your Irish passport yet, or did you already have one?
  14. I had to read it five times. but I think I've got it now. You old fox.
  15. A great deal more than the Newcastle/Sunderland/AIDS/Punkape digressions that preceded it, I'd say. Let's see, Brexit, overreaction, denial, and your own newly introduced Jewish angle? Yes, that's about as on topic as it gets. And not that it matters, but at least my link came from the Guardian rather than the Occidental Observer.
  16. This is a trap, right? I read this article the other day, and filed it under "irony" for future reference. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/oct/30/uk-descendants-of-jewish-refugees-seek-german-citizenship-after-brexit-vote
  17. Ah yes, I remember it well.
  18. I'm glad you asked, Pen, I'm glad you asked.
  19. I hope that's true of all the Jennys you know. The thought of Eclair's minge gaping open like some foul-smelling bat cave has just brought a little bit of sick up into my mouth.
  20. Cuntybaws

    Kelly malloney

    I very much doubt that "otter shit" even makes the top 100 list of dodgy searches on Spunky's Google history.
  21. I must agree with old TankBollocks in principle here. I mean, all adverts are shit storms designed and delivered by cunts, but this one is exceptionally wank, and is apparently aimed at the clinically brain dead. On the other hand, as you don't need a credit score to get Whiskas from a food bank, I can't see what his actual problem is.
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