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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Cuntybaws


    Listen, you fucking goit, she's only "impressed" because you've given her a 6-inch thigh gap and a camel toe to match, rather than depicting the sort of thicket you'd need a fucking broadsword to penetrate.
  2. He has grown a fuck-off giant beard that reminds me why people hate ginger cunts so much. There's no way they can put that on the telly, not even post watershed.
  3. I beg to differ. It's not very nice, I'll grant you, but it certainly made me laugh - albeit in a "Frankie Boyle" sort of way.
  4. I'd have liked this twice if it wasn't (a) against the rules, and (b) impossible. When a veteran like Decs falls into an obvious trap like this one, it's time for us all to up our game.
  5. It's just not the same without Judge. There, I've said it.
  6. Cuntybaws

    Clive tydsley

    I don't demand grammatical perfection, much as its absence pains me, but at least spell the actual fucking nomination title properly, is that too much to fucking ask?
  7. Now, now, Gurt, it's just a couple of heterodyning newbies in their “50 posts a day” positive feedback bedding in phase. Tedious as all holy fuck for the old hands, but we've all been there. The novelty will wear off eventually. I must say though, in all seriousness, that the “art” is starting to get on my fucking tits. I've seen more raw natural talent licked onto the windows of a Sunshine Bus.
  8. Some cunt just rang me up with a story about how, against all odds, they've found a kidney donor for Mrs Baws at last. I took your advice though, and told him to shove the phone up his arse. Anyway, can't hang around chatting, I've got to go sort out the dialysis machine, it's on the blink again.
  9. I watched Strachan play many times for Aberdeen and Celtic, and have consequently hated the raisin-faced sheep-shagging dwarf cunt from the very get go. My disillusionment with the national side began in '78 with Ally's Tartan Army, and they've been pretty much dead to me ever since.
  10. I've heard that Nigel won't touch a Bourbon, but Donald is partial to the occasional Garibaldi. This could go either way.
  11. I wish they would ban Scotland from fucking internationals, it's not like we're ever going to qualify for anything ever again. It would spare the repeated humiliation of losing to two-bob, third-rate, no-hope nations who get knocked out of tournaments by the likes of Iceland. At least you have the Ashes. Gordon Strachan is a cunt.
  12. They ought tur ban him!
  13. I wish I'd said that. Really.
  14. This IS the junior version of this site. I'm surprised you haven't worked that out yet. No-one has had the heart to tell Gyps.
  15. I feel terrible Quince, I missed your anniversary. Can you ever forgive me?
  16. Cuntybaws

    The truth.

    Ratty likes pictures too, come to think of it. Especially ones where old Nazis say the funniest things.
  17. Cuntybaws

    The truth.

    What's with this user generated content shit? This isn't some fan-fag DeviantArt gig. I may be being overly harsh here but the last cunt to do this ended up in a Jib Jab death spiral, and I'd like to hope you're better than that.
  18. Because you have no sense of rhythm. Sadly, neither did your parents.
  19. You're a very sad and bitter little man, Scruff, I don't know if anyone has ever mentioned that?
  20. To be fair, I thought it was a bit harsh and disproportionate. Still very welcome though. Fuck off!
  21. I take it you didn't attend many football matches in Glasgow in the '70s and '80s? On a semi-related note, what's your favourite bladed weapon, then? (Extra points for “home made”, as long as you post a picture of it.)
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