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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Something you're not telling us, Eric?
  2. I don't mean to sound callous or anything, but if you arrange via the internet to meet a complete stranger for gay sex and a fuckload of illegal drugs then you shouldn't be too surprised when you're raped, murdered, and hideously mutilated. You might even call it poetic justice when your last conscious experience is of some cackling maniac curling out a steamer into your broken, bleeding mouth. Keith Vaz is a cunt.
  3. Cuntybaws

    Hot tubs

    Just when you thought you'd already seen the worst film ever...
  4. Well suck my fucking dick, Ed!
  5. There's a very good reason why homicidal killing sprees are referred to as "going postal". Don't forget to turn the gun on yourself at the end.
  6. They're all God's little creatures, Ratty.
  7. Cuntybaws

    Angus the storm

    From now on I only want to hear about natural phenomena that come with an actual tsunami warning. Radioactivity and/or sharks optional, but nice to have.
  8. Nothing worse than the entitled nouveau riche. From Pakistan was he, by any chance, or should he really have known better? On the plus side, if he's anything like the consultants round this way, he'll be up before the GMC and struck off in a couple of years, but not before he's ruined the lives of a few dozen more people with his incompetent butchery. Someone will blame Thatcher, job done.
  9. I was only kidding. (Well, half-kidding.) We've seen Jib Jabs of My Little Pony surrounded by a montage of dancing pokemon on here before, and frankly you'd have to drop your game several dozen notches to compete with that level of shit.
  10. When I walked into it I couldn't believe me eyes, Every cunt had a shirt and tie, Mirrored walls and daft plastic trees, It were a fun pub disco, Wine bar bistro, Gay club puff house, Cocktail carvery.
  11. I think it's nice that there are places on the internet that welcome people with no discernible talent whatsoever. Until now, though, I didn't realise that this was one of them.
  12. In all fairness, it was a fairly condescending sentence. "I try to avoid going full smart-arse mode to avoid people like you experiencing feelings of inadequacy". You can see how "someone like Ape" might have inferred a lot from those few syllables.
  13. Nitrogen itself is a versatile little bugger, the key component of both ammonia and nitric acid. No wonder it's so often used in honour crimes.
  14. Cuntybaws

    Hail the New Dawn!

    Oh, just fuck off, you stupid fucking cunt.
  15. I'm pretty sure he's drinking slow-cooked sperm out of that pan, the filthy fucking cunt. £75 to you.
  16. There have been stupider cunts than this before. No, who am I kidding, this is definitely a new low. I miss Jazz.
  17. What, past all those gardens? Talk about foreshadowing...
  18. Indeed, this is the first time Proper's been out of single figures since 2013. That Brain Training game must be paying dividends. Sadly there's still quite some way to go before he reaches triple-digits.
  19. That came after his "Ronald McDonald on ketamine" phase.
  20. Zal Cleminson, you fucking Philistine.
  21. Alan Baxter of Rochester, UK, in November 2000. No offence, but you people are fucking planks.
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