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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Would you go for slicks, or just thumb in the super softs?
  2. There must be fucking massed battalions of these cunts on permanent standby, ready to swing into action at the first hint of a "Breaking..." update scrolling across Sky News. Kay Burley is a cunt.
  3. Cuntybaws


    Knock once for "guilty"...
  4. You'd be amazed what plastic surgeons can do these days.
  5. You know you're dealing with a AAA+ grade cunt when the majority of the country are actually willing the fucking German to win.
  6. Sorry to be a grammar Nazi, but you've spelled "sucked" incorrectly.
  7. I didn't really suspect a revisionist purge, nobody's got time for that shit. It was merely an apparently-too-subtle dig at Ratty.
  8. That's who Cuntsman is currently using as his avatar. (Another one of mine, this site is full of thieving cunts.)
  9. He stole that avatar from me. When T2 is released I'm switching back to Begbie, then you'll see some fuckin' weapons grade aggro.
  10. There is (was) actually a genuinely racist example on my much-loved "List of Shit Pokémon". At number 3, after Mister Mime and Ditto, came Jynx. These days Jynx is portrayed as a sort of insipidly lilac shade of purple, but the original version was as black as Serena Williams' lower intestine.
  11. There would have been more, but some of the old classics have completely disappeared. I suspect that there might be some revisionist biscuit deniers on the admin team.
  12. Is this the thread for racist questions?
  13. Cuntybaws

    Fidel Castro

    I wish he'd hung on to Gloria fucking Estefan. That's one rat-faced Cubano exile that the rest of the world could have happily done without.
  14. Or, more accurately, Racist Pakémon. Posters and stickers are appearing all over London in a hilarious, er, I mean highly-offensive parody of the loveable Japanese cartoon scamps. Have you been up to the Smoke recently, Ed?
  15. Get off my fucking thread, you emoji-loving savage.
  16. Fuck 'em all, Gongers, dirty fucking immigrants mocking your proud Black Pete traditions.
  17. Well, that's not very nice, now is it? Imagine how you'd have felt as a tedious newbie if someone had done this to you, all of - what - about four weeks ago?
  18. Utter fucking bollocks. In fact, here are some excerpts from the episode as it actually aired in Germany. You just keep right on digging, though, anything that distracts you from creating any more "art" has some upside at least.
  19. You seem to be labouring under several misapprehensions here: 1) That this is some sort of a game. This isn't a motherfucking game. 2) That you have “won” this game. You haven't. This is how the South Park episode was filmed. (Pink Eye, Season 1 Episode 7.) 3) That I am ever mistaken. Now, off you fuck and chat with Eric about cigars, and don't ever presume to try to correct me again.
  20. Cuntybaws

    Fidel Castro

    I wonder if Theresa May has opened her polonium-infused dildo yet? Cuba was a great place to visit during the US embargo. Some cracking dive sites, relatively quiet and unsullied, and no fat loud mouth know-it-all Yanks to spoil it. Give it a few years and it will be like Cancun during Spring Break. I doubt I'll go back again.
  21. If it was flipped, the swastika would be reversed - which it wasn't. Don't blame me if one of your crayon-wielding fag art deviant chums can't tell their left from their right.
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