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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. But you always told us you were loaded? Did your civil partner take the lot after you forgot the prenup?
  2. What this thread needs is a musical interlude. Emanci-motherfucking-pator of the slaves!
  3. Nobody cares, Ding. PS If this attracts more comments than my recent and equally-unloved "Hold Music" I'll be very cross. PPS Fuck it, it already has!
  4. I'm glad Jesus is dead. Fucking poof.
  5. One slightly more creditable theory holds that it derives from the Romany word for pennies. At times like this the OED and Websters are often found sadly lacking, but Urban Dictionary is always your friend.
  6. Cuntybaws


    If you want to buy some "likes" that'll be £500, please.
  7. Here's one from the vaults. He only says it once, though, so it probably doesn't qualify. The protective gear is a bit of a cop out too.
  8. I've just skimmed my way through the bios on their "Trustees" page. Fuck me, what a cavalcade of cunts! If I had to pick a single phrase that sums them up, it would probably be the horrifically clichéd, "Michelle is an independent Development Consultant and is passionate about using sport as a tool for social change." Also, why is their branding pink? Eh? Eh?
  9. Cuntybaws

    Morris Dancers

    Fucking homo jingly dancing poofs, prancing around waving their shitty little sticks at Satan. Come Walpurgisnacht and Beltane, there will be a reckoning.
  10. He's worried it might prevent him taking a trip up the Bakerloo line, AKA the old tan track.
  11. I wish I looked that good after a Hogmanay binge.
  12. Post a FUCKING PICTURE THEN, you awful fucking retard.
  13. Cuntybaws

    2017 Death Toll

    Indeed, fuck all this analysis, it's a total fucking cuntfest of a song, sung by a greasy pimp with a "do" that would have made Hair Bear jealous.
  14. If she were my patient I'd carry out a vivisection and stream it live, but according to the GMC I'm "not fit to practise".
  15. It's a worse exchange rate than the Mark in the Weimar Republic in 1923.
  16. I feel your pain, but at least I earned my point with a real child. Decimus has got fucking hundreds of points, so he's going to take some catching.
  17. Former girlfriend... stunner... shagged her rotten.... phwoar, eh?
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