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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. As if you'd let them make a messy omelette in your nice clean kitchen. On a semi-related note, what's the difference between an egg and a wank? You can beat an egg...
  2. Some sort of euphemism, I presume, involving rubber gloves and industrial lubricant? You fucking maniac.
  3. Oh, and don't call Snatch names, or he'll have to retreat to his safe space. Are you sure you don't have any facial hair?
  4. Not a National Socialist, I hope? Narrow it down for us.
  5. Fucking hell, what a wishy washy pile of bollocks disease this amyloidosis must be. The vile murdering cunt will probably outlive us all. I'd be happier if the cunt had nice simple lead poisoning, preferably incurred when a number of slow velocity unjacketed slugs entered his brain and rattled around a bit.
  6. Cuntybaws

    Electric cars

    A narrow escape for Norfolk last night Decs, you should count yourself lucky. Strangely, I didn't see anything on the news yet about the biblical-level tsunami that swept across the county, bringing with it unexploded mines and huge man-eating sharks. Surely the whole thing wasn't just made up by the media on a slow news day?
  7. Did you see the picture Madonna tweeted to advertise an anti-Trump rally, captioned "Just Do It"? I don't know why, but it made me think of Mrs Roops.
  8. Looking at young Blanket Jackson, it doesn't appear to have skipped a generation either. In an effort to avoid being bullied at school because of his name he recently changed it.and is now... Bigi Jackson. Out of all of them, Bubbles fucking Jackson seems to have been the sanest one.
  9. Proof absolute, no. However, as McCoy explained to Spock in Star Trek IV, "He means that he feels safer about your guesses than most other people's facts"
  10. Stop being mean to him, you cunts, less you be a fartslice.
  11. * pitttttttiable, surely?
  12. He has, though, Stupid n00b.
  13. The stupid fucking cunts will attract no interest at that price unless they use more words like "bijou" and "period". "Period" actually seems particularly apposite here.
  14. You stupid fucking cunt. As penance, wash your mouth out with holy water and do ten male hairies.
  15. I'm pretty sure he died in every single episode, in a thespian sense at least.
  16. Digital Domesday Book lasts 15 years not 1000. It's available online, though.
  17. The last use of this format for mainstream films was ~1999-2000. I knew a guy who had a copy of Debbie Does Dallas on LaserDisc. The close-up beaver shots were pin sharp, but sadly the dialogue was still crap.
  18. Your name is TOBY!
  19. It's all right for Idris Elba to be James Bond, but not for Zoe Saldana to play Nina Simone because "she's not black enough". I certainly don't hold out much hope of Woody Harrelson playing Martin Luther King any time soon. If they announce another all-white Oscar nomination line up I think I may start believing in God.
  20. Absolute arsewank, the pair of you. I'll grant you, some bits are shit, but they're far outweighed by its many episodes of sublime brilliance. Actually, there aren't that many such episodes now that I think about it. Probably only two or three. And they're more "moments" than "episodes". Fuck it, you're right, it's shit. The book is fucking great, though, and I don't want to hear any arguments to the contrary.
  21. Ed Miliband's legacy. It almost makes his "Ed Stone" look like a good idea by comparison.
  22. Not yet, no. I suppose there would be a slight risk of transference via the blood spray from my Dr Marten's crunching through your paper-thin misshapen skull, but I think that would be a risk well worth taking.
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