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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. For old time's sake, here's a picture of the Big Madonna With The Fallen Boobies.
  2. Good fucking point, sir - we'll need a volunteer for a control experiment to work out where the cancer goes in the case of blow jobs. Magnus Pyke was a cunt.
  3. Cuntybaws

    Judith Lathlean

    Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, fucking stupid old trout! And Judith is no better. How the fuck does anyone so retarded and so gullible get to have £140k in loose change just lying around in the first place? I'm glad she'll be dead soon.
  4. Taping a child to a wall? Sounds strangely familiar... Once again, Rick, not a real baby!
  5. And here I thought - circling back triumphantly to the actual topic - that Toxie had just scalped Donald Trump.
  6. Be careful what you wish for.
  7. I suspect you'd be closer to Troma's business model, so don't give up the day jobs.
  8. I see what you did there, en passant.
  9. Where us civilised Europeans would nod for "yes", the sullen peoples of the subcontinent shake their heads instead, like our "no". You can see why there are so many incidents in the news there about women getting raped on buses.
  10. And let me guess, it would take at least 3 years of working through the myriad HR policies on absence management and capability before you could rid of the cunt. After which he'd only sue you for unfair dismissal, and probably win. I liked it better in the olden days, when the landowner could just shoot a few peasants to set an example, and then shag their wives.
  11. "What is a woman that you forsake her, And the hearth-fire and the home-acre. To go with the old grey Widow-maker?" Frank lied about the boat.
  12. Oh dear, Mrs R, you see what happens when you argue with Snatch for too long? Fucking *YOU'RE*
  13. The worst cunt these days for nodding and twitching and blinking and generally being a cunt is Faisal Islam. In the vast pool of shit that is Sky TV, he rises to the top like a little bobbing turd. Fucking talentless, no-mark guppy.
  14. Ooh, I know that one - a nun with a javelin through her head.
  15. Buffalo Bill ’s defunct who used to ride a watersmooth-silver stallion and break onetwothreefourfive pigeonsjustlikethat Jesus he was a handsome man and what i want to know is how do you like your blue-eyed boy Mister Death
  16. Right, enough is enough. We'd tolerate this sort of shit from the late MikeD, but only just, and only because he was one of God's special little rainbows. Please post a series of clues which will enable me to hunt you down like a dog and set you on fire.
  17. It's could be the Q, or the I, or perhaps the P or the D, but I fear we might have to add a whole new letter to the end of LGBTQIAPD just for you Jacko. A "J", probably.
  18. It's fucking despicable that no matter how much money these cunts already have they'll drop all pretence of artistic integrity for a few more shekels from a soulless corporation. Those BT cunts are even worse, if anything, and don't get me started on Kevin fucking Bacon! Woody Allen is a cunt.
  19. That is one of the funniest fucking things I've ever seen. "Have some respect!" LOL.
  20. I rather hope I'm your only avian porking pal. One day I'll catch that roadrunner...
  21. *cough* Punkape *cough* PS Substitute "sickle cell anaemia" for "leprosy" and you'll get the EDL brigade on board too.
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