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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Dobbies makes Ikea look like fucking Disneyland. It reminds me of the mall scene from Dawn Of The Dead, only the average age of the zombies is 103.
  2. Laffin' Panzerknacker (Piss awful no-mark zoophile earwig runt, something, something, something, can't be fucking arsed.)
  3. Yes, it's "shim", you phallocratic bully. Xe's a cunt.
  4. "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls". This was my first ever Muslim thread...
  5. By unhappy coincidence, the world's first transgender doll has just been launched - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-39030215 Would you believe it's styled after Jazz, and it's got no cock or balls?
  6. Arkham Asylum has a lot to answer for. When will the pinkos realise that rehabilitation doesn't work.
  7. Cuntybaws

    Another one...

    The real tragedy is that it wasn't Lenny Henry.
  8. We've had the montage phase, and the Jib Jab phase, and now it appears we're well into the total dribbling spastic phase. Oh well, at least he doesn't multi-quote.
  9. I say, Punkers, who's that dreadful oik trying to get into our golf club?
  10. Cuntybaws


    Well of course he's a fucking goalie, that's the position allocated to fat kids from time immemorial. You wouldn't want the corpulent cunts on the wing, now would you?
  11. These days it's more likely to be pollacks.
  12. All it takes is one radioactive mongoloid spider. I saw a documentary about it once. (There was a green goblin in it too, as I recall. Fucking mushrooms.)
  13. This cunt's a fucking freak. Crucify the weirdo.
  14. That's two of your posts I've liked today. I think this may be a sign of the Apocalypse.
  15. Alfie, what a terrible thing to say!
  16. I expect you're more familiar with Regulation of London.
  17. Jeremy Corbyn: "Want to play the rape game?" Diane Abbott: "No!" Jeremy Corbyn: "That's the spirit."
  18. You stole my fucking punchline - although I was going to opt for .44
  19. Now is the perfect time to launch my "Diane Abbott Three Hole Doll" on an unsuspecting public. I can't imagine anyone wants to see the other two holes?
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